A search in Work returns a list of records containing the search term(s). Click on the work of interest for a list of witnesses in chronological order; each witness links to the manuscript or printed edition containing it.
A search in MsEd returns a list of records containing the search term(s). Click on the manuscript or printed edition of interest to see an external description followed by an internal description, with the list of contents in the order in which they appear in the volume.
The Bibliografia de Textos Antigos Galegos e Portugueses database offers a union catalogue for all texts originally composed in Portuguese, Galician-Portuguese, and Galician, or translated into those languages during the medieval period.
A Project Sponsored by
The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
Centro de Linguística, Universidade de Lisboa
Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Sites coordinated with BITAGAP
Our collaborators
Scope and content
General database use
About the Orthographic Accord of 1990 and BITAGAP
Citing BITAGAP and its data
History of the project
Compilers (1988 - ):
Arthur L-F. Askins, University of California, Berkeley (Senior Advisor)
Martha E. Schaffer, Universidade de San Francisco (Senior Advisor)
Cristina Sobral, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa (Executive Committee)
Pedro Pinto, Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Executive Committee)
Filipe Alves Moreira, Universidade Aberta (Director)
Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Departamento de História, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Executive Committee)
Ricardo Pichel Gotérrez, Universidad de Alcalá
Diana Fontão, Universidad de Salamanca (Technical Advisor to Executive Committee)
Harvey L. Sharrer (), University of California, Santa Barbara
Aida Fernanda Dias (), Universidade de Coimbra
En asociación con (2008 - ):
Mariña Arbor Aldea, Facultade de Filoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Sites coordinated with BITAGAP
BITAGAP cooperates and collaborates with several sites related to our scope and content. Where possible, live links to related information are returned in BITAGAP searches. In addition to the sites listed below, others may be added:
Clima - Corpus Legislativo da Idade Média Anotado
Dir. José Domingues. Porto: Universidade Lusíada.
ius lusitaniae - Fontes Históricas de Direito Português
Dir. Pedro Cardim. Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
The Oxford Cantigas de Santa Maria Database
Dir. Stephen Parkinson. Oxford: Oxford University.
Corpus de Textos Antigos em português até 1525.
Dir. Cristina Sobral. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa - Centro de Linguística.
Scrinium - Traduções Medievais Portuguesas
Dir. Mafalda Frade. Lisboa: Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Centro de Linguística. Site temporarily unavailable.
Our collaborators
We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the following colleagues who provided information for BITAGAP. We also acknowledge the many private collectors who generously permitted us to consult their manuscripts but who requested anonymity.
Luís Urbano de Oliveira Afonso, José Antonio Alarcón Caballero, Martim de Albuquerque, Margarida Alpalhão, Teresa Amado (†), Ricardo Aniceto, Artur Anselmo, Luís Filipe Barbosa de Araújo, Gemma Avenoza (†), Paulo J. S. Barata, Avelino Bolzón, Gualdino Borrões, Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo, Esperança Caldeira, César Nardelli Cambraia, Maria Amélia Alvaro de Campos, Pedro Cardim, Ivo Castro, Aníbal Pinto de Castro (†), Isabel Cepeda, Maria José Bigotte Chorão, Isabel Cid, Maria Helena Cruz Coelho, Lívia Cristina Coito, Isabel Correia, Avelino de Jesus da Costa (†), Mário Costa, Jerry Craddock, Marta Louro Cruz, Vivane Cunha, Diogo Ramada Curto, John Dagenais, Isabel Dias, João José Alves Dias, Mário Farelo, João Dionísio, Agostinho Faria, Diogo Pinto Faria, Charles Faulhaber, Ana Maria Fernandes, Cristina Célia Fernandes, Inés Fernández-Ordóñez, Maria do Carmo Jasmins Dias Farinha, Américo Venâncio Machado Filho, Vicente Fino, Diana Fontão, María Jesús Fortes Alén, Mafalda Frade, Helena Garvão, Maria da Conceição Geada, Helder Godinho (†), Rita Costa Gomes, Saul António Gomes, Paloma Gómez Varela, Michelle Hamilton, Kellye Hawkins, Maria de Lurdes Henriques, Silvestre Lacerda, Ana Sofia Laranjinha, Francisco da Cunha Leão, Margarida Leme, Irene da Glória Gonçalves Linda, Maria Luisa López-Vidriero, Jorge Borges de Macedo (†), Ana Machado, Odete Martins, Raquel Oliveira Martins, José de Pina Martins (†), Diana Martins, José Mattoso (†), Ana Sandra Meneses, António Vasco de Mello da Silva César de Menezes, José E. Mindlin (†), Ana Miranda, Gilberto Coralejo Moiteiro, Henrique Monteagudo, Ana Paiva Morais, Rosário Morujão, Carlos Silva Moura, Aires Nascimento, Sílvio de Almeida Toledo Neto, João Nisa, Bernardo Sá Nogueira, Irene Freire Nunes, John O'Neil, Inês Olaia, Marta Páscoa, Stephen Parkinson, Susana Tavares Pedro, Pedro Penteado, Maria Dolores Pereira Oliveira, Miriam Halpern Pereira, Gerardo Pérez Barcala, José Artur Pestana, Sandra Magalhães Pinto, Carlos Pio, Teresa Ponces, Adelaide Proença, Manu Radhakrishnan, Maria Ana Ramos, António Manuel Ribeiro Rebelo, Maria João Toscano Rico, Ana Maria Rodrigues, Mário Filipe da Costa Rodrigues, Nanci Romero, João Ruas, David Saah, Carmen de Santiago Gómez, Gilda Santos, Carla Serôdi, Ana Cristina de Santana Silva, André Silva, José António Silva, Graça Maria Sucena Pinto da Silva, Joseph Snow, António Sousa, Paulo Tremoceiro, Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa, Aurelio Vargas Toledo, Ricardo Vasconcelos, Yara Frateschi Vieira, David Wacks, Teresa Álvares Pereira Schönborn Weisentheid.
Scope and content
For pre-1501 prose texts, BITAGAP treats all "imaginative" or "literary" works, together with historical, legal, religious, scientific, and medical texts, etc., excluding only strictly notarial documents. The contents of presently known collections of hagiographic texts and of kingdom-wide laws are individualized. Also included are certain "classic" prose works (such as the Notícia do Torto and the complex of very late 15th- and early 16th-century Portuguese chronicles—specifically those by Rui de Pina, Duarte Galvão, Cristóvão Rodrigues Acenheiro and Gaspar Correia) which, while not conforming strictly to the above criteria, are closely related to items more properly recorded.
For poetry BITAGAP follows the practice of Brian Dutton (1982, BITAGAP bibid 1717) and includes as primary sources early 16th-century songbooks containing works composed up to 1520: e.g., Garcia de Resende's Cancioneiro Geral (1516) and its derivations, as well as the Cancioneiro Musical da Biblioteca Nacional (ca. 1520). BITAGAP gathers all texts of early Galician-Portuguese poetry (12th - 14th centuries), as well as the Portuguese and "Galician School" poems, both secular and religious, of the 15th and the very early 16th century.
BITAGAP notes lost, problematical, and apocryphal texts that have been attributed to the medieval period.
All manuscript attestations, regardless of period, are considered primary sources, as are all incunabula, accompanied by later, derivative printings (principally, but not exclusively through the 18th century). Most 18th- through 21st-century critical and commercial printings are, however, identified in the REFERENCE bibliography.
The REFERENCE bibliography includes items of direct interest for descriptions, locations, and editions of the manuscripts and early printings of the texts. Critical appreciations and thematically oriented studies are often recorded, but not exhaustively.
BITAGAP makes no attempt at present to incorporate systematically the critical materials compiled by Silvio Pellegrini and Giovanna Marroni (1981, BITAGAP bibid 1087) for the early poetry, those by Joseph Snow (1977, BITAGAP bibid 1930; 2012, BITAGAP bibid 14612) for the Marian and secular poetry of Alfonso X of Castile and Leon, those by Giuliano Macchi (1964, BITAGAP bibid 1284) and Teresa Amado (1991, BITAGAP bibid 2598) for Fernão Lopes or that by António J. Dias Dinis (1949, BITAGAP bibid 1257) for Gomes Eanes de Zurara, those by Isabel Vilares Cepeda (1989, BITAGAP bibid 2309; 1996, BITAGAP bibid 5108) for the field of medieval prose in general, or from the annotated bibliography for medieval Portuguese and Galician-Portuguese literature published annually in the Boletín Bibliográfico de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval (1987-).
General database use
Various search options are offered, as detailed in both the PhiloBiblon Help page and the BITAGAP help page. Principal options are by title/incipit (in the search table/page WORK), by manuscript/printed source (in MS/ED), by author or other associated individuals (in PERSON), and by bibliography (REFERENCE).
In general, if you have difficulty with a particular search, use unique words; use fewer words rather than more; use the field Key words and numbers. If a search returns numerous items, either use the “Find” function (which may be case- and/or diacritic-sensitive) of your browser to locate desired items more precisely or experiment with different search parameters.
Keep in mind while using the Help and search fields/pages that information is added to the database constantly, that database parameters evolve, and that types of information may be linked selectively to specific fields. As a result, search results may be uneven and a search that seems intuitive to a particular user may need to be abandoned in favor of another approach. For these reasons users are invited to send corrections, new information, and questions to Arthur L-F. Askins.
About the Orthographic Accord of 1990 and BITAGAP
Searchable data in BITAGAP include lexical items whose spelling was affected by the Orthographic Accord of 1990. Words like colecta, acta, Actos, redacção, baptismo currently form part of (normalized) titles of specific works and bibliography items, and/or of data that are returned in searches based on keywords. Because the immediate adoption of the Orthographic Accord might affect the efficiency of searches and thoroughness of results, BITAGAP does not at present follow it. We hope, in the future, to find a means to make searches compatible with such variant spellings.
Citing BITAGAP and its data
When you make use of BITAGAP in your research and publications, please acknowledge its role. The preferred practice is to acknowledge both PhiloBiblon and BITAGAP.
PhiloBiblon. Dir. Charles B. Faulhaber. Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley, 1997-. Volume 2016, n. 3. Web: https://vm136.lib.berkeley.edu/BANC/philobiblon/index.html. Consulted: [Date]
BITAGAP (Bibliografia de Textos Antigos Galegos e Portugueses). Dir. Arthur L-F. Askins. The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley, 1997-. Web: https://vm136.lib.berkeley.edu/BANC/philobiblon/bitagap_en.html. Consulted: [Date]
Because BITAGAP and its sister bibliographies identify specific works, manuscripts, printed editions, and individuals (authors, translators, copyists, printers, owners), we ask that our users, in their publications, cite BITAGAP IDs (texid, cnum, manid, bibid, bioid, etc.). Use of the bioid allows readers to distinguish, for example, between João Afonso Telo de Meneses, the first (bioid 4831), fourth (bioid 3478) or sixth (bioid 3782) Conde de Barcelos.
The preferred citation forms are as follows:
For works: BITAGAP texid 0000
Memorial da Infanta Santa Joana (BITAGAP texid 6287)
For specific copies of a given work: BITAGAP cnum 0000
Memorial da Infanta Santa Joana. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/2420 (BITAGAP cnum 27530)
For manuscripts: BITAGAP manid 0000
Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional, MSS/2135 (olim I. 6) (BITAGAP manid 5348)
For printed editions there are two possibilities.
The "master copy" of a given edition is cited as: BITAGAP manid 0000
Diogo de Sousa. Constituições do Bispado do Porto. Porto: Rodrigo Álvares, 1497-01-04. Porto: Biblioteca Pública Municipal, Inc. 83 (BITAGAP manid 1010)
Another copy of a given edition is cited as: BITAGAP copid 0000
Diogo de Sousa. Constituições do Bispado do Porto. Porto: Rodrigo Álvares, 1497-01-04. Vila Viçosa: Biblioteca da Casa de Bragança, 45 Adq (BITAGAP copid 1055)
For given individuals: BITAGAP bioid 0000
João Afonso Telo de Meneses, 1. Conde de Barcelos (BITAGAP bioid 4831)
NOTE: Information about how to cite the databases themselves (PhiloBiblon, BETA, BITAGAP, BITECA) in your publications is provided in "ABOUT PhiloBiblon", in the sections "Preferred citation" and "Copyright".
History of the project
Work on the project began in the summer of 1988 at the behest of the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies (Madison, Wisconsin), to serve as a companion to the Bibliografía Española de Textos Antiguos (BETA) and the Bibliografia de Textos Catalans Antics (BITECA). As the collaborative effort of Arthur L-F. Askins (UC Berkeley), Harvey L. Sharrer (UC Santa Barbara), Aida Fernanda Dias (U. de Coimbra), and Martha E. Schaffer (U. of San Francisco), it was supported in 1992-93, in 2002, and in 2007-2008 by Research Tools Grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Individual travel grants were provided at times to the compilers, again by the NEH, by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center (UCSB), and the research grants programs of their respective universities. Further support, for the WWW versions, was supplied by the Portuguese Studies Program (UCB), the Center for Portuguese Studies (UCSB) and the Center for Galician Studies (UCSB), and the Library (UCB). The initial project team was expanded in the summer of 2008 with the addition of two contributing Associates, Cristina Sobral of the Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa, and Pedro Pinto of the Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in the spring of 2010 with another Associate, Filipe Alves Moreira of the Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, and in the Summer of 2014 with another associate, Mariña Arbor Aldea, of the Facultade de Filoloxía da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
The initial concern of the compilers focused on the establishment of a basic corpus, through an intensive review and clarification of information already available in the traditional bibliographies of the field—Barbosa Machado (1741-59, BITAGAP bibid 1223), Inocêncio Francisco da Silva (1858-1923, BITAGAP bibid 1034), Fidelino de Figueiredo (1934, BITAGAP bibid 1040; 1936, BITAGAP bibid 1561), Serafim da Silva Neto (1956, BITAGAP bibid 1063), and Maria Adelaide Valle Cintra (1960, BITAGAP bibid 1045). That basic corpus has, however, been enormously expanded over the years by on-going fieldwork in library holdings in Portugal, Galicia and beyond, particularly in Spain, England, Brazil, and the United States.
BITAGAP is a continuing project made available in electronic formats. An early version, using a DOS dbms, appeared in 1993 on the CD-ROM ADMYTE, Disk 0, issued by Micronet, Madrid. In 1999 an updated version (again with the DOS dbms) on CD-ROM disk was produced and released by The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. In the interim, an Internet version, hosted by The Library of the University of California, Berkeley, was made available (1997) and maintained with frequent updates for eleven years. In 2008 the database was migrated to a Windows operating system. The present Internet version, with greatly expanded search capacities, became available in 2010, hosted by The Bancroft Library of the University of California, Berkeley.
The value of electronic resources to scholarly research has increased exponentially in recent years. BITAGAP relies increasingly on its users to provide us with information about (a) manuscripts, texts, and associated individuals, (b) scholarly publications, and (c) relevant materials available electronically (e.g. digitalizations, specialized web sites, etc.).
The editors most cordially invite the contributions of colleagues, by sending corrections, new information, and suggestions to Arthur L-F. Askins. Please visit "COLLABORATE" for more information.
Institutions which have contributed significantly to the development of BITAGAP include:
The Portuguese Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley
The Center for Portuguese Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Center for Galician Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Library, University of California, Berkeley
The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley
The National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington D.C.
Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Hispanic Society of America (formerly at the University of Wisconsin)
DataBase Design & Engineering, Walnut Creek, California
WWW access to and use of PhiloBiblon are free of charge. Reproduction of any materials found here is subject to the restrictions found in our Copyright Statement.
Best results are obtained by using the latest-version WWW browsers which both render tables well and support JavaTM, but every effort will be made to present a generic service, accessible to any WWW viewing tool.
Readers are encouraged to send questions, comments, and any suggestions which they might have for the improvement of this site to Charles B. Faulhaber.