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Preferred citation

When you make use of PhiloBiblon or its bibliographies in your research and publications, please acknowledge its role. The preferred practice is to acknowledge both PhiloBiblon and/or any specific bibliography used, BETA, BITAGAP, or BITECA.

    PhiloBiblon. Dir. Charles B. Faulhaber. Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley, 1997-. Web: Consulted: [Date]

    BETA (Bibliografía Española de Textos Antiguos). Dir. Charles B. Faulhaber. The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley, 1997-. Web: Consulted: [Date]

    BITAGAP (Bibliografia de Textos Antigos Galegos e Portugueses). Dir. Arthur L-F. Askins. The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley, 1997-. Web: Consulted: [Date]

    BITECA (Bibliografia de Textos Antics Catalans, Valencians i Balears). Dirs. Gemma Avenoza, Lourdes Soriano, i Vicenç Beltran. The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley, 1997-. Web: Consulted: [Date]

Because each bibliography attempts to identify specific works, manuscripts, printed editions, and individuals, we recommend that scholarly studies cite their identification numbers in order to differentiate these various items unambiguously: for example, Íñigo López de Mendoza, 1st marquess of Santillana (BETA bioid 1031) vs. his grandson, Íñigo López de Mendoza y Luna, 3d marquess of Santillana and 2d duke of the Infantado (BETA bioid 3034).

The preferred citation forms for these data are as follows:

For a work: Bibliography texid 0000:

Cantar de mió Cid (BETA texid 1109)

For a specific copy of a given work: Bibliography cnum 0000:

Cantar de mió Cid. Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional, VITR/7/17 (BETA cnum 1231)

For a manuscript: Bibliography manid 0000:

Barcelona. Biblioteca de Catalunya, 267 (olim D-67, D-123) (BITECA manid 1482)

For a printed edition there are two possibilities.

The "master copy" of a given edition is cited as: Bibliography manid 0000:

Ludolphus de Saxonia. Vita Christi [Pt. 2]. Lisboa: Nicolau de Saxónia ~ Valentim Fernandes, 1495-09-07. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, Inc. 566 [2] (olim Inc. 479) (BITAGAP manid 1006)

Another copy of a given edition is cited as: Bibliography copid 0000:

Ludolphus de Saxonia. Vita Christi [Pt. 2]. Lisboa: Nicolau de Saxónia ~ Valentim Fernandes, 1495-09-07. Viseu: Biblioteca Municipal, INC 26-II-13 (2) (BITAGAP copid 1036)

For a given individual: Bibliography bioid 0000:

Garcilaso de la Vega (BIPA bioid 1170)

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