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ID no. of Specific Copy |
BITAGAP cnum 5444 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 3806 Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela. “A Madre de Deus honrada [Mettmann 89]” |
Date | escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca. |
City, library, collection, & call number | San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Real Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, T. I. 1 [Códice Rico] [MS T] |
Copied | 1250 ? - 1300 ? 1271 ad quo (Ferreira) 1272 - 1278 (Chico Picaza) |
Location in witness | ff. 130r-130v |
Incipits & Explicits in witness | texto: A Madre de deus onrrada glosa: E vn miragre disto |
Poetic Stanza | 1 x 3, 10 x 10 |
References (Most recent first) | Antunes Júnior (2014), “Relações de poder nas Cantigas de Santa Maria - uma proposta de análise de gênero da cantiga 89: a
judia grávida”, Recôncavo. Revista de História da UNIABEU 4/7:4-18 Patton (2012), Art of Estrangement: Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain 144, 145, 166, 167 (fig. 82), 168 Prado-Vilar (2011), “Iudeus sacer: Life, Law, and Identity in the ‘State of Exception' Called ‘Marian Miracle'”, Judaism and Christian Art: Aesthetic Anxieties from the Catacombs to Colonialism 124-26 Prado-Vilar (2005), “The Gothic Anamorphic Gaze: Regarding the Worth of Others”, Under the Influence: Questioning the Comparative in Medieval Castile 97 |
Note | MIn., f. 131r | Record Status |
Created 1989-05-29 Updated 2015-06-25 |