BITAGAP cnum 5192 |
texid 3721 Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela. “A Madre do que livrou [Mettmann 4]”
escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca. |
San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Real Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, T. I. 1 [Códice Rico] [MS T]
1250 ? - 1300 ? 1271 ad quo (Ferreira) 1272 - 1278 (Chico Picaza)
ff. 8v-9r |
texto: A Madre do que liurou glosa: En Beorges un Judeu
1 x 4, 11 x 9 |
Russakoff (2021), “Contested Sites, Sacred Spaces: The Role of Architecture in Some Marian Miracle Illustrations”, Literature
is Comparative: Toute littérature est littérature comparée. Études de littérature et de linguistique offerts à Roy Rosenstein
par ses collègues, ses disciples et ses amis 501-02 Edição em: Cunningham (2017), Sixteen Cantigas de Santa María with Dotted Rhythm 137-39 Falk (2017), “Assaults on the Faith: Imagining Jews and Creating Christians in the Late Middle Ages”, 25, 139, 299 Costa et al. (2014), “Cantigas de Santa Maria de Afonso X: análise comparativa entre texto e imagem da cantiga 04”, Translatio
Studii: Problematizando a Idade Média 25-36 Lipton (2014), Dark Mirror: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Jewish Iconography 207-09, 214-16, 230 Patton (2012), Art of Estrangement: Redefining Jews in Reconquest Spain 94 (fig. 52) Prado-Vilar (2011), “Iudeus sacer: Life, Law, and Identity in the ‘State of Exception' Called ‘Marian Miracle'”, Judaism and
Christian Art: Aesthetic Anxieties from the Catacombs to Colonialism 129-33 Montoya Martínez (1998), “Verso largo o verso corto? Algunas consecuencias de la puntuación de las Cantigas de Santa María”,
Bulletin of the Cantigueiros de Santa Maria 10:72-73 Dantas et al. (2017-01-15), Um Judeuzinho salvo pela Virgem
Min., f. 9v |
Created 1989-05-21
Updated 2021-05-11