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ID no. of Specific Copy

BITECA cnum 4911
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 3803
Pere March. Blanxa y bella n'és la costa
Language català
Date escrit 1412 ad quem
City, library, collection, & call number Barcelona: Ateneu Barcelonès, Ms. 1 | Antic I | Antic 4t pis, 553-IV-5
Copied 1401 - 1500 (cos del volum)
1501 - 1600 ca. (ff. 213-217)
1601 - 1800 (afegits a alguns folis)
Location in witness f. 120r-v
Incipits & Explicits in witness rubr.: [ 120] Resposta feta per mossen .pe. march amossen jaume march
text: Blanxay bella nes la costa … [ 120v] … Quj creix quant hom loy acosta
Poetic Stanza 1 x 10, 2 x 4
Note les dues darreres estrofes van precedides respectivament de les rúbriques “Tornada” i “Endreça”
Record Status Created 2001-03-24
Updated 2012-01-28