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ID no. of Specific Copy

BITECA cnum 1875
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 2355
Lluís Icart. Can me sove de la beutat diversa
Language català
Date escrit 1396 [?] - 1430 [?]
City, library, collection, & call number Barcelona: Biblioteca de Catalunya, Ms. 7 | Antic 7
Copied 1421 - 1430
1417 - 1427 (Bohigas-Vidal Alcover)
Location in witness ff. clviiiv-clviiij (fol. ant.)
ff. 108v-109 (fol. mod.)
Incipits & Explicits in witness rubr.: [ clviiiv] Lujs ycart
text: Can me soue de la beutat diuersa … Haiats de me si vos play soujnença
Poetic Stanza 5 x 8, 1 x 4
Note la darrera cobla va precedida de la rúbrica “Tornada”
Record Status Created 1991-11-10
Updated 2006-08-03