BITAGAP bibid 12543 |
livro. colecção de estudos. Impresso |
Vasco da Gama and the Linking of Europe and Asia |
Anthony Disney (Ed. Lit.) Emily Booth (Ed. Lit.)
New Dehli: Oxford University Press |
2000: pp. |
recensão por: Zupanov (2003), “Recensão: Disney et al. (2000). Vasco da Gama…”, The Journal of Asian Studies 62:555-57 contém: Losada Soler (2000), “The Encounter of Languages: Reflections on the Language of the Other in Roteiro da Primeira Viagem de
Vasco da Gama”, Vasco da Gama and the Linking of Europe and Asia 202-19 contém: Dias (2000), “From the West to the East: The Return of the Printed Word”, Vasco da Gama and the Linking of Europe and Asia 296-300 contém: Seixo (2000), “When Poetry and History Meet: The First Voyage of Vasco da Gama in Literature”, Vasco da Gama and the Linking
of Europe and Asia 333-39
bibid 12542 Zupanov (2003), “Recensão: Disney et al. (2000). Vasco da Gama…”, The Journal of Asian Studies
Created 2009-08-16