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ID no. of Reference BITAGAP bibid 10504
Format livro. colecção de estudos. Impresso
Title Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal. Studies in Honor of Arthur L-F. Askins
Associated persons Martha E. Schaffer (Ed. Lit.)
Antonio Cortijo Ocaña (Ed. Lit.)
Series Monografías A, vol. 222
Place / Publisher Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Tamesis Books
Date / Location 2006: pp.
References (most recent first) recensão por: Berlowitz (2009), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal….”, Hispania 92:506-08
recensão por: Taylor (2009), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal…”, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 86:271-72
recensão por: Garcia Osuna (2008), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal…”, Arizona Journal of HIspanic Cultural Studies 11:243-45
recensão por: Avilés (2007), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal…”, Renaissance Quarterly 60:1337-38
contém: Beltran (2006), Tipos y temas trovadorescos. XX. Fernan Velho 42-56
contém: Deyermond (2006), “The Bestiary Tradition in the Orto do Esposo”, Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal. Studies in Honor of Arthur L-F. Askins 92-103
contém: Dias (2006), “As Diffinçooes de Calatraua (1486), numa Versão Portuguesa”, Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal. Studies in Honor of Arthur L-F. Askins 104-43
contém: Godinho (2006), “Dois Casos de Heróis Sem Terra: Rodrigo e Guillaume d'Orange”, Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal. Studies in Honor of Arthur L-F. Askins 199-206
contém: Hart (2006), “Cantiga and Canso”, Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal. Studies in Honor of Arthur L-F. Askins 221-27
contém: Nascimento (2006), “Manuscritos e textos dos Príncipes de Avis: o Leal Conselheiro e outros manuscritos: problemas de deriva filológica e tentativa de reintegração”, Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal. Studies in Honor of Arthur L-F. Askins 269-88
Source of Data for References bibid 11841 Avilés (2007), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal…”, Renaissance Quarterly
bibid 12712 Berlowitz (2009), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal….”, Hispania
bibid 12869 Garcia Osuna (2008), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal…”, Arizona Journal of HIspanic Cultural Studies
bibid 12752 Taylor (2009), “Recensão: Schaffer et al. eds. (2006). Medieval and Renaissance Spain and Portugal…”, Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Record Status Created 2006-06-09
Updated 2009-12-11