BETA copid 1857 |
Cambridge Harvard University (Houghton) |
Inc 9593.5 (32.4) |
Burgos: Friedrich Biel, 1495-12-24 (IBE)
External description |
imperf.: falta f. p8 (HOLLIS) |
perg. flexible (HOLLIS) |
Jerónimo de Montal (HOLLIS)
Catalogado en: Harvard University (2002 ad quem), HOLLIS: Harvard OnLine Library Information System , n. Inc 9593.5 (32.4) Catalogado en: Walsh et al. (1991-97), A Catalogue of the Fifteenth-century Printed Books in the Harvard University Library , n. 3980 Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections , n. I-56
| Harvard HOLLIS 008487957 visto 2011-10-19
Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2011-10-19