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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 6474 |
City and Library | New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library |
Collection: Call number | PQ 6398.H372 F73 1548 |
Imprint | Burgos: Juan de Junta, 1548 |
External description |
Format | 4o (BNE Cat.) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: [32: sin foliar] (HSA Cat.) |
Collation | A-D8 (Faulhaber) |
Font | gótica (BNE Cat.) |
Pictorial elements | xilografía: de un campo de batalla con jinetes armados, con lanzas, y soldados a pie (portada) (HSA Cat.) |
Binding | Red morocco bdg. with 3 line gilt lines; gilt spine; dark blue leather doublures and floral gilt tooling. Marbled end papers; gilt edges and green, gold and red silk marker. Signed by Thibaron-Joly. (HSA Cat/) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | François Florentin Achille Seillière ‘BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE MELLO”, 2. barón de Seillière [1873-05-14] (supra-libros) |
Associated persons | Encuadernador Thibaron-Joly, encuadernador (HSA Cat.) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Wilkinson (2018-), Iberian Books , n. 16591 Catalogado en: Grupo Clarisel et al. (2012-), Catálogo de obras medievales impresas en castellano hasta 1600 (COMEDIC) , n. CMCD2 Catalogado en: Fernández-Valladares (2005), La imprenta en Burgos, 1500-1601 II , n. 382 Catalogado en: Sotheby & Co. (1887-02-28), La Bibliothèque de Mello. Catalogue of an Important Portion of the Very Choice Library of the late Baron Seillière 50 , n. 400 Catalogado en: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 , n. 7109 Catalogado en: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America 254 Catalogado en: Hispanic Society of America [HSA] (2014-), The Hispanic Museum & Library [OPAC] |
Subject | Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados |
Internet | https://hispanicsociety.mlasolutions.com/m5/catalog/?installation=Default&urlcommand=search&query1=0000025404&MARCATTRIBUTE1=001&MARCATTRIBUTE2=&MARCATTRIBUTE3=&op1=0000000002&lexile=&view=shareitem&viewposition=0000025404&databases=0000000109 HSA Cat. visto 2023-12-26 |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 16156 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 1171 Desconocido. Enrique fi de Oliva |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1498 ad quem |
Record Status |
Created 2023-12-26 Updated 2023-12-27 |