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BETA cnum 3147
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 2285
Matfre de Ermengaud. Breviario de amor
Language castellano
Date Traducido 1385-06-07 a quo - 1400 ca. ad quem
City, library, collection, & call number Chicago: University of Chicago Library ( Special Collections Research Center: Berlin:), MS 63 | alt. f M63 | alt. Manuscript. Codex Ms. 63 | reg. 941295 Berlin coll. | olim BX890 f. B84 Mss. room
Copied 1476 ca. - 1500 ca. (Faulhaber)
1451 ca.? - 1500 ca.? (Roditi 1947-48: 22)
Location in witness ff. 1ra-6va (tablas) + Ira-CCXXVIIrb (Roditi)
Incipits & Explicits in witness rúbrica: [ 1ra] En nombꝛe de nr̃o señoꝛ iħu xp̃o | sea E de la gloriosa virgen señoꝛa | santa maria Comiençan las Ru|bricas deste libro llamado breviario de amoꝛ
índice: [ 1ra] Primera mente el maestro Rue|ga a nr̃o señoꝛ dios le de gracia | de bien deziꝛ ela obra conpliꝛ | amen a cartas .j. … [ 6vb] … Sermon del advenjmjen|to del sp̃u santo nj por qual | Razon fue embiado en tal | maneꝛa
rúbrica: [ Ira] El maestro Ruega a nr̃o señor dios q̃le de graa de bien deziꝛ e dela obꝛa compliꝛ amen
texto: [ Ira] [P]14Or quanto el se|so E el enten|dimiento E el | sabeꝛ e la sub|tilidad el en|genio proce|de e desciende dela sanctissi|ma E individua trinidad … [ CCXXXVIIrb] … E en tal maneꝛa | vendras por tal camino ala | gloꝛia de paraiso donde estan | e habitan los santos e hauraS | con ellos en vno gloꝛia ebien | auenturança sin fin con aq̃l que viue e Reyna alto enel cielo poꝛ | infinjta secula seculoꝛum amẽ
colofón: [ CCXXXVIIr] Finito libꝛo sit laus e gloria | xp̃o
References (Most recent first) Incipits / explicits de: Faulhaber (2014), Inspección personal
Roditi (1947-48), “The Chicago MS of the Castilian Breviario de amor”, Modern Philology 13
Note Roditi: Contiene aprox. 26.000 de las 34.600 vv. del original. “it seems possible to conclude that the Chicago manuscript … belongs to the same manuscript family as the five Catalan prose versions … The syntax of the prose and the language of the translator are closer to modern Spanish than to Old Castilian, which suggests that the translation may have been undertaken at a time when the diffusion of printed books in Spain had already begun to standardize the forms of Spanish syntax. We can thus safely assume that the Chicago Castilian Breviario de amor belongs to the second half of the fifteenth century, perhaps even to the early sixteenth …” (pág.. 22)
Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2015-08-22