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ID no. of Person BETA bioid 6120
Name Cristóbal de Rojas, escribano? (1585-12-16)
Christophorus a Rojas (BNE MSS/1737)
Sex hombre
Affiliation escribano ? 1585-12-16 (BNE MSS/1737)
Printer or scribe of manid 4963 MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/1737. Cristóbal de Rojas, 1585-12-16. Diego Enríquez del Castillo, Crónica de Enrique IV, escrito 1481 ca.
References (most recent first) Biblioteca Nacional de España (1953-2002), Inventario general de manuscritos (IGM) V:112 , n. 1737
Internet BNE visto 2010-01-09
Record Status Created 2010-01-09
Updated 2023-08-30