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BETA cnum 11892 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 1647 Juan de Mena X, bachiller Madrid. Laberinto de fortuna |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1444-02-22 |
City, library, collection, & call number | New York: The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library, |
Imprint | Zaragoza: Jorge Coci (BNE Cat.) para Luis Malferit, 1506-05-05 |
Location in witness | ff. a2ra-a5rb (tablas) 1ra-88ra (Dutton) |
Commentary | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Orden de Santiago (Norton), Glosa sobre las trezientas del famoso poeta Iuan de me|na: compuesta por Fernan nuñez comendador dela ordẽ | de santiago: dirigida al muy magnifico señor don Iñigo lopez de mendoça conde de Tendilla: señor dela villa de | mondejar: primer alcayde y capitã general dela nombra|da grã cibdad de granada y su alhambra y fortalezas.: "E8Scriue Aulo gelio" a5v |
Associated Persons | Con la glosa de: Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Orden de Santiago ( (Norton)) |
References (Most recent first) | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )O (Foulché). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young NúÑez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
Record Status |
Created 2014-02-05 Updated 2019-05-14 |