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ID no. of Reference | BETA bibid 7676 |
Format | catálogo de venta. referencia. impreso |
Author | R[obert] H[arding] Evans |
Title | Catalogue of rthe Curious Library of Don J. Antonio Conde, Part the Second. Containing an Extraordinary Colletion of Spanish Books and Manuscripts, and Oriental Literature Printed and Manuscript … which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Evans, at his House, no 93, Pall-Mall, on Thursday, July 15, and Following Day 1824 |
Place / Publisher | [London]: Mr. Evans |
Date / Location | 1824-07-15: páginas 93 |
References (most recent first) | facsimil digital: Google Books (2009 ad quem) catalogado en: OCLC (1991-), WorldCat , n. 39166285, 433285726 citado por: Rodríguez-Moñino (1959), “Sobre el Cancionero de Baena: Dos notas bibliográficas”, Hispanic Review 139 citado por: Glendenning (1959-63), “Spanish Books in England 1800-180”, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 111 sigue: Evans (1824-07-06), Catalogue of rare, curious, and interesting Spanish Books and a few miscellaneous articles, forming The Library of Don J. Antonio Conde … which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Evans at his House, no 93, Pall-Mall … on … Tuesday, July 6, and Four Following Days 1824 |
Note | Incluye los nn. 971-1365. Glendenning 1959-63: “The Conde sales [!], for instance, included books from the Mayans library (No. 508 for example); a book which had belonged to Jovellanos (No. 521); another which had been presented to Don Antonio by Meléndez Valdés; and several books and manuscripts from the Escurial, some of which we know to have been in the hands of Salvá. There is no reason for supposing that all of these items had formed part of the Arabist's collection. The reference to the sale in the émigré periodical Ocios de los españoles emigrados suggests that many of them did not.” |
Subject | Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados |
Internet | https://books.google.com/books?id=IlAVAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA69&lpg=PA69&dq=catalogue+of+the+curious+library+of+don+j.+antonio+conde,+part+the+second&source=bl&ots=r8iuPI59y5&sig=4CPJPnX8zDdpe0FleBB45Rus41U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiogLKBmMfZAhVCR6wKHfhYBBoQ6AEIJzAÄv=onepage&q=cataloguę20of%20thę20curiouſ20library%20of%20don%20j.%20antonio%20condę2Ç20part%20thę20second&f=true Google Books visto 2018-02-28 |
Held by | Lawrence: Kansas (Spencer) R/12597 Z2709 C74C15014 (OCLC) London: British Library (BL) General Reference Collection S.C.2559 R/12597 Z2709 C74C15014 (BL Catalogue) Madrid: Nacional (BNE) Sala Cervantes R/12597 Z2709 C74C15014 Providence: Brown University R/12597 Z2709 C74C15014 (OCLC) |
Source of Data for MSS, Editions, or Copies | manid 5542 MS: London: British Library (BL) (Egerton), Egerton MS 306. 1791 ca. - 1800 ca. Andrés Bernáldez, Cura de Los Palacios, Historia
de los Reyes Católicos, don Fernando y doña Isabel, escrito 1513. manid 1344 MS: Lugar desconocido: Biblioteca desconocida, olim Dolphin Book Co. Cat. 50, n. 9. 1401 ca. - 1450 ca. Desconocido, Fuero general de Navarra (Versión A), escrito 1250. manid 4508 MS: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), MSS/22660. 1601 - 1700. seudo-Alfonso de Palencia… Crónica castellana de Enrique IV, escrito 1481 ca. - 1482 ca. manid 1632 MS: Paris: Nationale (BnF) (Richelieu), Espagnol 37. 1465 ca. Juan Alfonso de Baena… Cancionero de Baena (PN1), compilado 1426-04-11 a quo - 1430 ca. ad quem. manid 1223 MS: Paris: Nationale (BnF) (Richelieu), Espagnol 510. 1460 a quo. Colectivo… Cancionero de Salvá (PN13), compilado 1459 a quo. |
Record Status |
Created 2018-02-28 Updated 2024-02-13 |