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ID no. of Specific Copy

BETA cnum 1450
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1647
Juan de Mena, bachiller Madrid. Laberinto de fortuna
Language castellano
Date Escrito 1444-02-22
City, library, collection, & call number Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France (Tolbiac-François-Mitterand) ( Richelieu:), Espagnol 227 | alt. Esp. 227 | olim anc. fonds 7820
Copied Escribano del Cancionero del Conde de Haro (Maguire), 1444-02-22 a quo - 1450 ca. (Street)
1444-02-22 a quo - 1500 ca. (Morel-Fatio)
Location in witness ff. 135r-184r (Dutton)
Incipits & Explicits in witness texto: [ 135r] Al muy prepotente don Juan de segundo … [ 184r] … que todos vos fagan señor reverencia
References (Most recent first) Catalogado en: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV I:110 , n. PN5-22
Note Street 1958:63: “this has led me to believe that the version of the Laberinto offered by MS. 2882 of the Biblioteca Nacional was copied directly from that of Esp. 227 of Paris.
Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2019-02-02