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Work ID number | BETA texid 10976 |
Authors | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán |
Titles | Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena (Weiss & Cortijo) Glosa sobre las Trescientas del famoso poeta Juan de Mena compuesta por Hernán Núñez de Toledo, comendador de la Orden de Santiago, y dirigida al muy magnífico señor don Íñigo Lopez de Mendoza, conde de Tendilla, señor de la villa de Mondéjar, primer alcaide y capitán general de la muy nombrada y gran ciudad de Granada y su alhambra y fortalezas (princeps 1499) |
Incipit & Explicits | prólogo: Sentencia es memorable de Chilón lacedemonio … menospreciaré todo lo que de ella pudieren decir los ínvidos y detractores accessus ad auctores: Porque veo ser costumbre usada entre los que exponen alguna obra … Gennadio | Cypriano | Anselmo perícopa: El muy prepotente don Juan el segundo texto: Antigua costumbre leo ser … Asimismo donde emendé arnoba por arbona algunos hay que dicen que [ha se] de llamar abnoba y no arnoba epílogo: Esto es, muy magnífico señor, lo que se me ofreció que decir sobre las Trescientas … que aunque las fuerzas hayan faltado, la voluntad ha sido de loar |
Date / Place | Escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem (princeps 1499) Refundido 1505-11-07 ad quem (ed. Granada, 1505) |
Language | castellano |
Text Type: | Prosa |
Associated Persons | Dedicado a: Íñigo López de Mendoza y Quiñones (el gran Tendilla), 2. conde de Tendilla [1479-02-17 - 1515-07-20] |
Associated Texts | Basado en texid 1783 Diego de Valera, maestresala, Crónica de España, escrito 1479-06-23 a quo - 1481-06-23 ad quem (Moya 2014) texid 4173 Juan de Luzón, Suma de las virtudes (08JL), escrito 1506-07-31 Glosa a texid 1647 Juan de Mena, bachiller Madrid, Laberinto de fortuna, escrito 1444-02-22 |
Associated MSS/editions | Íncipit y éxplicit de manid 1996 Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE) (Gayangos), INC/1512. Sevilla: Johann Pegnitzer von Nürnberg, et al., 1499-08-28. Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem. |
References (most recent first) | Gómez Álvarez (2015), “Los procedimientos de dignificación en el Comentario de Hernán Núñez al Laberinto de Fortuna”, Juan
de Mena. De letrada a poeta Editado en: Núñez de Toledo et al. (2015), Glosa sobre las “Trezientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena Moya García (2014), “La suerte de la Valeriana”, Mosén Diego de Valera entre las armas y las letras 117-118 Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 Jiménez Calvente (2002), “Los comentarios a las Trescientas de Juan de Mena”, Revista de Filología Española Weiss (1995), “Literary Theory and Polemic in Castile, c. 1200-1500”, The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. II. The Middle Ages 529-32 Edición electrónica en: Núñez et al. (2002 a quo), Comentario a las 'Trescientas' de Hernán Núñez de Toledo, el Comendador Griego (1499 |
Note | Faulhaber 2019: ínc y éxpl. a base de la princeps de 1499 Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
Subject | Comentarios Humanismo |
Number of Witnesses | 14 |
ID no. of Witness | 1 cnum 12843 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, INC/1512 (BETA manid 1996) |
Imprint | Sevilla: Johann Pegnitzer von Nürnberg, Magnus Herbst von Fils, Thomas Glockner, 1499-08-28 (IBE) |
Location in witness | ff. ijr-cxcv |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem ¶ Glosa sobꝛe las trezientas del famoso poeta Juan de | mena.compuesta poꝛ hernand nũnez de toledo comẽdadoꝛ de la oꝛden de santiago | y dirigida al muy magnifico señoꝛ don Jñigo lopez de Mendoça cõde de tendilla | señor de la villa de mondejar pꝛimer alcayde y capitan general dela muy nõbꝛada | y grand cibdad de granada y su alhambꝛa y foꝛtalezas., 2r (Faulhaber) |
Incipit & Explicits | encabezamiento:
[ 2r]
¶ Pꝛologo. prólogo: [ 2r] ¶ Sentencia es memoꝛable de Chilon lacedemonio … [ 4v] … menospreciare todo lo que della pu|dieren dezir los inuidos y detractores. rúbrica: [ 4v] Fin. encabezamiento: [ 4v] ¶ Dela vida del auctoꝛ y de la intincion q̃ | le mouio a escreuir y del titulo dela obra. accessus: [ 4v] ¶ Poꝛque veo ser costũbꝛe vsada entre los que exponen alguna obꝛa … [ 5vd] … Gennadio | Cypꝛiano | Anselmo. rúbrica: [ 7r] ¶ Comiẽça el labyrĩtho de juã de mena poeta castellano | intitulado al muy esclarecido y poderoso principe don juã el segũdo Rey de castilla y | de leon. ⁊ca. perícopa: [ 7r] ¶ Al muy prepotẽte | don juã el segũdo. comentario: [ 7r] Antigua | costũbre leo ser muy magni|fico señor … [ 190r] … Asy mismo dõde emẽde arnoba poꝛ arbona algunos ay q̃ dizẽ q̃ […] de lla|mar abnoba y no arnoba. encabezamiento: [ 190r] ¶ Fin. epílogo: [ 190r] ¶ Esto es muy magnifico señoꝛ lo q̃ se me ofrecio q̃ dezir sobꝛe las treziẽtas … [ 190v] … Que avnq̃ las fuerças ayã faltado la volũ|tad ha sido de loar colofón: [ 190v] Acabãse las trezientas ᵭl famosissimo poeta juã de mena glosadas por Hernãd | nuñez de Toledo cauallero dela oꝛdẽ de santiago. Jmpꝛessas cõ mucha diligẽcia | y coꝛrecciõ por Joãnes pegnizer de Nurenberga y Magno y Thomas cõpañe=|ros alemanes. Enla muy noble y muy leal cibdad de Seuilla año de mill. cccc.xc | y.ix.a.xxviij. de agosto. |
Associated Persons | Glosa de: Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Orden de Santiago ( (BNE INC/651)) dedicada a: Íñigo López de Mendoza y Figueroa, 1. conde de Tendilla [1465 - 1479-02-17] ( (BNE INC/651)) |
References | Facsímil digital visto por: Faulhaber (2019), Inspección personal Incipits / explicits de: Faulhaber (2019), Inspección personal Base de la ed. de: Núñez de Toledo et al. (2015), Glosa sobre las “Trezientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 Catalogado en: Dutton (1982), Catálogo/índice de la poesía cancioneril del siglo XV I:158 , n. 99ML1 Edición electrónica en: Núñez et al. (2002 a quo), Comentario a las 'Trescientas' de Hernán Núñez de Toledo, el Comendador Griego (1499 |
Note | Ínc. y éxpl. a base del facsm. digital de BNE INC/651. Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young NúÑez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 2 cnum 12844 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/2088 (BETA manid 4590) |
Imprint | Granada: Juan Varela de Salamanca, 1505-11-07 (Norton) |
Location in witness | ff. 2r-136r |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
Incipit & Explicits | encabezamiento:
[ 2r]
Glosa sobre las trezientas del famoso poeta juan de mena: cõpuesta por Fernand nuñez comendador dela orden de santiago … primer alcayde y capitan general | dela nombrada y gran cibdad de granada y su alhambra y fortalezas prólogo: [ 2r] E7Scriue aulo gellio muy magnifico señor perícopa: [ 2r] Al muy pꝛepotẽte don Juã el se|gundo texto: [ 2r] Antigua costũbꝛe leo ser los | que c̃ponen escripturas … [ 135v] … avꝛa se de entender esta copla en otra manera la qal es clara y q̃ nõ | ha menester exposicion alguna encabezamiento: [ 135v] Alos lectoꝛes epílogo: [ 135v] Esto es doctissimos lectores lo q̃ seme ofrecio q̃ dezir sobꝛe las treziẽtas … [ 136r] … Que aun q̃ las fuerças ayan faltado la volũtad ha sido de loar. |
References | Base de la ed. de: Núñez de Toledo et al. (2015), Glosa sobre las “Trezientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 Edición electrónica en: Núñez et al. (2002 a quo), Comentario a las 'Trescientas' de Hernán Núñez de Toledo, el Comendador Griego (1499 |
Note | Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 3 cnum 12845 |
City, library, collection & call number | New York: The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library, (BETA manid 5436) |
Imprint | Zaragoza: Jorge Coci (BNE Cat.) para Luis Malferit, 1506-05-05 |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )O (Foulché). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated.. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 4 cnum 12854 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/11663 (BETA manid 5284) |
Imprint | Zaragoza: Jorge Coci (Norton), 1509-09-23 |
Location in witness | ff. 1v- |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )P (Foulché). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 5 cnum 12848 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/31352(1) (BETA manid 5270) |
Imprint | Sevilla: Jakob Cromberger, 1512-05-25 (colofón) |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )S (Foulché). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 6 cnum 12851 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/32108 (BETA manid 5440) |
Imprint | Sevilla: Jakob Cromberger (Norton), 1517-09-24 |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )Y (Foulché). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 7 cnum 12850 |
City, library, collection & call number | New York: The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library, (BETA manid 5434) |
Imprint | Sevilla: Juan Varela de Salamanca, 1534-10-20 |
Location in witness | ff. [j]v-xcvj vb |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )AH (Foulché). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 8 cnum 12853 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/10299 (BETA manid 5431) |
Imprint | Valladolid: Juan de Villaquirán (BNE Cat.) para Cosme Damián (BNE Cat.), 1536-06-01 (colofón f. 104vd) |
Location in witness | ff. [j]v-xcvj vb |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )AK (Foulché). Ínc. y éxpl. a base del facsm. digital de BNE U/303. Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 9 cnum 12852 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/10291 (BETA manid 5435) |
Imprint | Toledo: Hernando de Santa Catalina (colofón), 1547-12-15 - 1548 (portada) |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. )AQ (Foulché). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 10 cnum 12846 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/1179 (BETA manid 5441) |
Imprint | Antwerpen: Hans de Laet (BNE Cat.) para Jean Steelsius, 1552 |
Location in witness | f. [A7]v-pág. 562 |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem Glosa sobre las Trezien-tas d’el famoso poeta Iuan de Mena, cõpuesta por Fernan | Nuñez,Comendador dela orden de Sanctiago, Dirigida al | muy magnifico señor, don Iñigo Lopez de Mendoça, Con-|de de Tendilla, Señor dela villa de Mondejar ,primer al-|cayde y capitan general dela nombrada gran ciu-|dad de Granada, ⁊ su alhambra | ⁊ fortalezas., [A7]v (Faulhaber) |
References | Facsímil digital visto por: Faulhaber (2016), Inspección personal |
Note | Ed. )AR (Foulché). Descr. a base del facsm. digital BNE Usoz/1595 (copid 3548). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 11 cnum 12849 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/17648 (BETA manid 5433) |
Imprint | Antwerpen: Martín Nucio (BNE Cat.), 1552 |
Location in witness | ff. 2r- |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem GLOSA SOBRE LAS | TREZIENTAS DEL FA=|moso poeta Iuan de Mena, compuesta por | Fernan Nuñez Comendador dela ordẽ de | Santiago:dirigida al muy magnifico señor | Don yñigo Lopez de Mendoça Conde de | Tẽdilla, señor dela villa de Mondejar ,pri|mer alcayde y capitan general dela nom|brada gran ciudad de Granada | y su Alhambra y for=|talezas., 2r (Faulhaber) |
References | Facsímil digital visto por: Faulhaber (2016), Inspección personal Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Descr. a base del facsm. digital de BNE U/4115 (copid 3520). Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 12 cnum 12855 |
City, library, collection & call number | New York: The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library, (BETA manid 5442) |
Imprint | Alcalá de Henares: Juan de Villanueva, Pedro de Robles para Alonso Gómez, 1566 |
Location in witness | ff. 1v- |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Ed. AU Foulché. Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 13 cnum 12847 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/7631(1) (BETA manid 5439) |
Imprint | Salamanca: Lucas de Junta (BNE Cat,), 1582 |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
References | Catalogado en: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 224-26 , n. A23 |
Note | Weiss 2013 proporciona bibliografía al día sobre las glosas y las describe: “Designed to establish Mena's status as a vernacular auctor and the young Núñez's intellectual credentials. Supplies auctoritates (with copious quotations) for cosmography, myth, history, natural and moral philosophy. Identifies Mena's imitation of the classics and this intellectual sources (e.g., Anselm and Isidore, whose errors are corrected by reference to new humanist authorities, notably Greek). Occasional rhetorical and numerous linguistic notes (especially etymologies). substantian and influential textual criticism. The revised edition [Granada, 1505 (manid 4590)] suppresses the Latin quotations, the autobiographical preface, and the rudimentary access. Some textual changes in Zaragoza: Coci, 1506 [manid 5436], which are probably not authorial. Steelsio's edition (Antwerp, 1552 [manid 5441]) is much abbreviated. Plundered (often without acknowledgment) by El Brocense, whose 1582 [manid 5439] annotations aimed to provide a more explanatory apparatus." |
ID no. of Witness | 14 cnum 14789 |
City, library, collection & call number | Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/7843 (BETA manid 3134) |
Copied | San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Francisco Javier de Santiago y Palomares, 1763-03-29 (colofón) |
Location in witness | ff. IVr-Vr |
Title(s) | Hernán Núñez de Guzmán, Glosa sobre las “Trescientas” del famoso poeta Juan de Mena, escrito 1499-08-28 ad quem |
Incipit & Explicits | rúbrica:
[ IVr]
El Comendador Griego Fernan Nuñez en el comen-|tario y Glosa de las trescientas, llegando à las | que que [!] quedan copiadas,
hace los debidos elo-|gios de nuestro Dn. Enrique; pero se dejò lle-|var de la vulgaridad de que fue Magico, se-|gun lo que sigue: perícopa: Perdiò los tus libros sin ser conoscidos. texto: [ IVr] Este | sabio Caballero Don Enrique de Villena siendo | de grande saber … [ Vr] … sino por mandamiento del Rey Don | Juan, el qual dicen se arrepintiò de haver los | mandado quemar &c. |
Condition | extracto |
References | Facsímil digital visto por: Wikipedia (español) (2001-) Incipits / explicits de: Wikipedia (español) (2001-) |
Record Status |
Created 2015-04-18 Updated 2019-05-02 |