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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition
BETA copid 8782
City and Library
Bibliothèque d'Étude et Patrimonie
Collection: Call number
Res. D XVI 291
Leiden ? (Peeters-Fontainas):
Leiden: En la Oficina Plantiniana
, 1599 (BNE Cat.)
External description
maroquin vert, filets, dos orne, dentelle interieure, tranches jasp. ; Rel. ancienne (Toulouse BM)
References (most recent first)
Catalogado en:
Wilkinson (2010), Iberian Books: Books Published in Spanish or Portuguese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601 = Libros ibéricos: libros publicados en español o portugués o en la Península Ibérica antes de 1601 [IB]
, n. 16227
Catalogado en:
Pettegree et al. (1997-), Universal Short Title Catalogue (USTC)
, n. 440198
Catalogado en:
Bibliothèque de Toulouse (2012 ad quem), Catalogues [OPAC]
, n. Res. D XVI 291
Toulouse Bibl. visto 2018-02-17
Record Status
Created 2018-02-17
Updated 2018-02-18