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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 8713
City and Library Lugar desconocido Desconocida
Collection: Call number olim Glanville ~ Sunderland ~ Quaritch
Printed Leiden ? (Peeters-Fontainas): Leiden: En la Oficina Plantiniana, 1599 (BNE Cat.)

External description

Binding perg. (Quaritch 1899)
Previous owners (oldest first) John Glanville (Sir) the Younger, England (1586 - 1661) (Cat. Sunderland)
Charles Spencer, 3. earl of Sunderland [1688-09 - 1722-04-19] 2612 (Cat. Sunderland)
Bernard Quaritch, librero London (1847-10 - 1899) 1895: 331 (Cat Quaritch)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Bernard Quaritch (1895-02), Bibliotheca Hispana. A Catalogue of Books in Castilian, Catalan, Portuguese or Otherwise of Spanish Interest. No. 148 35 , n. 330
Catalogado en: Spencer, 3d earl of Sunderland (1881-83), Bibliotheca sunderlandia. Sale catalogue of the Truly Íimportant and Very Extensive Library of Printed Books Known as the Sunderland or Blenheim Library: Comprising a Remarkable Collection of the Greek and Roman Classic Writers in First, Early and Rare Editions: a Large Series of Early Printed Bibles and Testaments in Various Languages: a Few Ancient and Important MSS 207 , n. 2612
Catalogado en: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America 74 , n. XXIV
Note Descr. de Quaritch1895: “vellum, with numerous MS. memoranda by John Glanville (about 1600), and his signature in the form of Juan Glanville on the title’’. Ofrecido en £ 1/10/0.

Descr. de Sunderland 1881: “autograph of “JUAN GLANVILLE” on title and numerous MS. notes in margins, vellum’’. No queda claro si se trata de Sir John Glanville, the younger, o de su padre. El hijo tenía una carrera política más importante y participó en el asalto a Cádiz en 1625 (Wikipedia)
Record Status Created 2018-02-10
Updated 2018-02-11