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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 3151
City and Library Glasgow University of Glasgow
Collection: Call number Special Collections: Sp Coll Ferguson Ag-y.22
Printed Toulouse: Heinrich Meyer, 1494-09-18 (IBE)

External description

Size hoja: 302 × 231 mm (Glasgow Cat.) encuad.: 312 × 242 mm (Glasgow Cat.)
Pictorial elements inicial: P caligráfica de 9 ll., tinta marrón (A1r) (Glasgow Cat.) inicial: E caligráfica de 3 ll. (2c3v) (Glasgow Cat.) ilustración: de un perro cazando un pato, tinta marrón (a1r (portada)) (Glasgow Cat.) ilustración: de 2 pollos (F3v) (Glasgow Cat.)
Condition anotaciones en español s. XVII (Glasgow Cat.)
Binding holandesa con papel de aguas sobre tablas; lomo de piel con hierros dorados, tejuelo de piel roja, cortes jaspeados de rojo, s. XIX (Glasgow Cat.)
History of volume Adquirido Glasgow 1921 (Glasgow Cat.)
Previous owners (oldest first) Santullano, bibliófilo (1701 - 1800) 1701 ca. - 1800 ca. (price: 14 Real) (Glasgow Cat.)
Sepúlveda (floruit 1701 ca. - 1800 ca.) 1701 ca. - 1800 ca. (Glasgow Cat.)
John Ferguson (nac. 1837) 1899-01-27 - 1916 (Glasgow Cat.)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ib00150000
Catalogado en: U. of Glasgow Library (2012 ad quem), Eleanor [OPAC] , n. Sp Coll Ferguson Ag-y.22
Note Glasgow Cat. Provenance: Vachiller/Bachiller (Spain, 16th century): inscription beneath printer's device on 2p4v "Vachiller […]". Sanctullano (Spain, 18th-century): inscription on 2p4v "Compro este libro al licenc[ia]do sepulueda y costo me catorce Reales […] sanctullano […]". Sepúlveda (Spain, 18th century): see above. John Ferguson (1837-1916), Professor of Chemistry, University of Glasgow: Ferguson's pencil acquisition note on front pastedown "John Ferguson 27 January 1899 032"; source unknown. University of Glasgow: Ferguson collection purchase, 1921.
Binding: 19th-century marbled paper-covered boards, gold-tooled calf spine with red leather title label; sprinkled red-edged leaves. Size: 312 x 242 mm.
Leaf size: 302 x 231 mm.
Annotations: occasional marginal annotations in Spanish in a 17th-century hand (profuse on 2b7r); occasional underlining, "nota" marks and pointing hands; 19th-century pencil numbers on front pastedown "1498" and "31494"; 19th-century price code in pencil on rear pastedown "£Of".
Decoration: calligraphic nine-line initial "P" supplied in brown ink on A1r; calligraphic three-line initial "E" supplied on 2c3v; faded drawing in brown ink on a1r (title-page) of a dog pursuing a duck; marginal drawing of two hens on F3v; woodcut printer's device on 2p4v crudely decorated in brown ink.
Internet Glasgow BU visto 2015-11-25
Record Status Created 2012-04-10
Updated 2024-08-05