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ID no. of MS BETA manid 1991
City and Library London The British Library
Collection: Call number Grenville: G.11275
Title of volume Ed. F (Foulché)
Imprint [Zaragoza]: [Juan Hurus], 1488 ca. - 1490 ca. (IBE)
[Zaragoza]: [Pablo Hurus], 1490 ca. - 1491 ca. (ISTC)
[Zaragoza]: [Pablo Hurus], 1495 ? - 1498 ? (Foulché 1902)
[Zaragoza]: [Pablo Hurus] ?, 1499 ? (Haebler, British Library, GKW)
[Zaragoza]: [Jorge Coci] ?, 1499 ? (Vindel)

External description
Writing surface papel
Format 4o (Haebler)
Leaf Analysis ff.: 104 (sin foliar) (Haebler)
Collation a-n8
Page Layout 27 ll. (BL Cat,)
Size hoja: 196 × 136 mm
Font gótica
Pictorial elements xilografías:
Condition imperf.: falto de la portada y la última h. en blanco (BL Cat.)
Binding marroquí s. XIX
Previous owners (oldest first) Thomas Grenville, bibliófilo (1846-12-17)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Brocato (2015), “‘El famosíssimo poeta Juan de Mena': producción y lectura de su obra impresa en el siglo XVI”, Juan de Mena. De letrada a poeta 196 , n. 6
Catalogado en: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (2000-), Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] , n. M22776
Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. im00482500
Catalogado en: London. British Museum (1908-2007), Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVTH Century Now in the British Museum X:27
Catalogado en: Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 201 , n. 4243
Catalogado en: Vindel (1945-51), El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV IV:313 , n. 94
Catalogado en: Kurz (1931), Handbuch der iberischen Bilddrucke des XV Jahrhunderts , n. 257
Catalogado en: Un bibliófilo aragonés et al. (1908), Bibliografía zaragozana del siglo XV , n. 71
Catalogado en: Reichling (1905-14), Appendices ad Hainii-Copingerii Repertorium Bibliographicum. Additiones et emendationes , n. 3977
Catalogado en: Haebler (1903-17), Bibliografía ibérica del siglo XV. Enumeración de todos los libros impresos en España y Portugal hasta el año de 1500 , n. 417
Catalogado en: Foulché-Delbosc (1902), “Appendice C. Bibliographie de Juan de Mena”, Revue Hispanique 116 , n. F
Catalogado en: Proctor et al. (1898-1903), An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum from the Invention of Printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library , n. 9515
Catalogado en: Heredia [y Livermoore] (1891-94), Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. Ricardo Heredia, comte de Benahavis II , n. 1814
Catalogado en: Salvá y Mallén (1872), Catálogo de la biblioteca de Salvá I , n. 786
Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (2011-07-23 ad quem), Explore the British Library [OPAC] , n. G.11275
Subject Incunables

Internal Description
Number of texts in volume: 1
Specific witness ID no. 1 BETA cnum 1442
Location in volume ff. 2r-
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1646
Juan de Mena, bachiller Madrid. Coronación
Language castellano
Date Escrito 1438
Title(s) in witness Coronacion de Iuan de Mena al Marquess
Incipits & explicits in MS rúbrica: [ 2r] Aqui comiença la coronacion compuesta por Iuan de mena
prólogo: [ 2r] LOs que ala su contemplacion españa non truxo fama
texto: [ 5r] DEspues quel pintor del mundo
Note Ed. F (Foulché)
Number of additional copies of edition 2
ID no. of additional copy of edition 1 BETA copid 1524
City and Library Boston Boston Public Library
External description
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 415 , n. M-484

ID no. of additional copy of edition 2 BETA copid 1525
City and Library New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library
Collection: Call number HC:NS1/910
External description
Condition imperf. (Goff)
Previous owners (oldest first) Karl W. Hiersemann (Penney)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Penney (1965), Printed Books 1468-1700 in The Hispanic Society of America 351
Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 415 , n. M-484

Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2023-04-08