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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 5841 |
City and Library | Kraków Biblioteka Jagiellonska |
Collection: Call number | BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Cim. o.790 | olim 33.viii.175 |
Title of volume | [negro: xilografía] | [rojo] raya horizontal | [negro: ornamento] [rojo] Tragicomedia [negro: ornamento] [rojo] De [negro]
Calisto [rojo] y [negro] Melibea. [rojo] En la | [negro: raya horizontal] | [rojo] qual se contienẽ [negro] ( [rojo] de mas
de su agra|dable | [negro: raya horizontal] | [rojo] y dulce estilo [negro] ) [rojo] muchas sentencias philo-| [negro: raya
horizontal] | [rojo] sophales, y auisos muy necessarios para | [negro: raya horizontal] | mancebos: mostrando les los engaños
que | [negro: raya horizontal] | [rojo] estã encerrados en siruiẽtes y alcahuetas. | [rojo: raya horizontal] | [negro] Agora
de nueuo corregida y emendada, y | [rojo: raya horizontal] | [negro] con licencia impressa. | [rojo: 2 rayas horizontales]
| [negro: ornamento] [rojo] En [negro] Medina [rojo] del [negro] Campo [rojo] im-| [rojo: raya horizontal] | [rojo] pressa,
por [negro] Francisco [rojo] del [negro] Canto, | [rojo: raya horizontal] | [rojo] Año de [negro] M.D.Lxiij. ( portada) Ed. Med63 |
Imprint | Medina del Campo: Francisco del Canto, 1563 (Griffin 1980) |
External description |
Writing surface | papel |
Format | 8o (Griffin 1980) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: [2] + 1-132 (con muchos errores (Griffin 1980) |
Collation | π2 [MS] A-P8 Q12 (Griffin 1980) |
Page Layout | 28 ll. (Griffin 1980) |
Size | hoja: 133 × 94 mm (Griffin 1980) caja: 117 × 77 mm (Griffin 1980) |
Font | redonda R 85 (Griffiin 1980) |
Pictorial elements | xilografía: (36 × 70 mm.) del cuerpo de Calista llevado por 2 criados del muro del jardín de Melibea (portada) (Griffin 1980) |
Other features | Tinta: roja y negra (Griffin 1980) |
Condition | Q12v en blanco (Griffin 1980) |
Associated MSS, editions, and specific copies of editions | Compárese con manid 5799 Ed.: London: British Library (BL), 243.a.8. Medina del Campo: Pedro de Tovans, 1533 ca. - 1537 ca. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde
de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. Compárese con manid 5845 Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), R/7491. Medina del Campo: Francisco del Canto, para Claudio Curlet, et al., 1582. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. Compárese con manid 5844 Ed.: New York: Hispanic Society (HSA), PQ 6426 .A1 1575a. Salamanca: Álvaro Ursino de Portonariis, 1575. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. Compárese con manid 5846 Ed.: New York: Hispanic Society (HSA). Salamanca: Pedro de Castro, 1540-12-15. Juan Sedeño, Síguese la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea compuesta en reprehensión de los locos enamorados que vencidos de su desordenado apetito a sus amigas llaman y dicen ser su dios. Asimismo hecho en aviso de los engaños de las alcahuetas y malos lisonjeros sirvientes, nuevamente sacada de la prosa en metro castellano, escrito 1540-12-15 ad quem. |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Rojas et al. (2011), La Celestina: Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea 566 , n. Med63 Catalogado en: Wilkinson (2010), Iberian Books: Books Published in Spanish or Portuguese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601 = Libros ibéricos: libros publicados en español o portugués o en la Península Ibérica antes de 1601 [IB] , n. 16199 Lida de Malkil (1962), La originalidad artística de La Celestina 730 Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America 102 , n. Pedro de Tovans Catalogado en: Pettegree et al. (1997-), Universal Short Title Catalogue (USTC) , n. 352669 Catalogado en: Griffin (July, 1980), “Four Rare Editions of "La Celestina"”, Modern Language Review 572-73 |
Note | Griffin 1980:572: “The present edition is, with the exception of the woodcut on the title-page, not illustrated and is printed entirely in roman type. It is a compact and, no doubt, cheap edition, but, printed in two inks, it makes an attractive.” Dada la complejidad tipográfica de la ed., reproducimos la descr. de Griffin 1980:572-73: “8o: π2, A-P8, Q12 [$5 signed (+Q6, Q7; -A1, A4, O5; G3 signed ‘G5’, I2 signed ‘Ia’, N5 signed ‘M5’)]; 134 leaves, ff. [2] 1-4 5-7 8 9-57 58 59-129 130-132 (misprinting 6 as ‘11’, 8 as ‘15’, 30 as ‘10’, 32 as ‘52’, 62 as ‘26’, 64 as ‘94’, 65 as ‘95', 70 as '71’, 75 as ‘71’, 90 as ‘60’, 92 as ‘62’, 118 as ‘115’); type page 117 × 77 mm.; roman 85; 28 lines; ornamental capitals 4 lines deep (A, B, C, D, E, H, M, O, Q, T) on A4b, A7a, A8a, D1a, D4b, Elb, F4a, F6b, G7a, H8b, I5b, K5a, L3a, L6b, N1a, N4a, O1b, O5b, O8a, P4a, P6b, Q3a, Q6b; page size paper 133 × 94 mm.; catchwords on A8b, B8b, C8b, D8b, E8b, F8b, G8b, H8b, I8b, K8b, L8b, M8b, N8b, O8b, P8b; running titles: ‘Prologo’ from A5a—A6b, ‘Argumento’ from A7a-A7b, and titles of the individual acts from A8a-Ql0b (these are incorrect on H3a Auto sexto as ‘Auto septo', on N6bAuto catorzeno as ‘Auto catozeno’, on N8bAuto catorzeno as ‘Auto quatozeno’, on Olb Auto decimo quinto as ‘Auto catorzeno’, on P3a Auto decimo septimo as ‘Auto decimo quinto’ and on Q3a Auto veynteno as ‘Auto veynte y vno’).” Complementado con sus Notas (Griffin 1980:573): “The title-page illustration used in this 1563 edition of La Celestina is of some interest, as it is clearly printed from the same block, now in a very worn state, as that used to illustrate Act 20 on r4b of the edition of La Celestina produced in Medina del Campo ‘a costa dl ĩp̃ssor’, dated tentatively by Penney as having been printed between the years 1530 and 1540 probably by Pedro de Tovans [manid 5799]. The illustrations of this latter edition of La Celestina, including that taken from the block which was used again by Francisco del Canto in 1563, are either closely imitated by, or closely imitate, those of the versified La Celestina printed in Salamanca by Pedro de Castro in 1540 [mand 5846], whose blocks were, if we can trust the imprints of all these editions, still being used in Salamanca to illustrate Rojas’s work as late as 1575 when Alvaro Ursino de Portonariis employed them in his edition of that year [manid 5844]. Castro's blocks subsequently travelled to Medina del Campo where Francisco del Canto used them in his 1582 edition of La Celestina printed in that city [manid 5845]. Although, as Maria Rosa Lida de Malkiel has written, ‘El estudio iconografico de la Tragicomedia está por hacerse’, it is evident that the illustrations used in sixteenth-century editions of La Celestina have a long and interconnected history, all deriving, ultimately, from two or three sets of much-imitated woodcuts, the most important of which were those used early in the century in Seville.” |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 13442 |
Location in volume | ff. 1-132 (A1v-Q12r) (Griffin 1980) |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 3632 Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina. Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1502 ad quem |
Title(s) in witness | [negro: xilografía] | [rojo] raya horizontal | [negro: ornamento] [rojo] Tragicomedia [negro: ornamento] [rojo] De [negro] Calisto [rojo] y [negro] Melibea. [rojo] En la | [negro: raya horizontal] | [rojo] qual se contienẽ [negro] ( [rojo] de mas de su agra|dable | [negro: raya horizontal] | [rojo] y dulce estilo [negro] ) [rojo] muchas sentencias philo-| [negro: raya horizontal] | [rojo] sophales, y auisos muy necessarios para | [negro: raya horizontal] | mancebos: mostrando les los engaños que | [negro: raya horizontal] | [rojo] estã encerrados en siruiẽtes y alcahuetas. | [rojo: raya horizontal] | [negro] Agora de nueuo corregida y emendada, y | [rojo: raya horizontal] | [negro] con licencia impressa. | [rojo: 2 rayas horizontales] | [negro: ornamento] [rojo] En [negro] Medina [rojo] del [negro] Campo [rojo] im-| [rojo: raya horizontal] | [rojo] pressa, por [negro] Francisco [rojo] del [negro] Canto, | [rojo: raya horizontal] | [rojo] Año de [negro] M.D.Lxiij., A1r (portada) (Griffin 1980) |
Incipits & explicits in MS | encabezamiento:
[ A1v]
El auctor a vn su amigo rúbrica: [ A2v] El auctor escusando su obra encabezamiento: [ A7r] Argumento de toda la obra rúbrica: [ Q10v] Concluye el auctor aplicando la obra al proposito porq̃ la acabo encabezamiento: [ Q11r] Alonso de Proaça corrector dela impression al lector. rúbrica: [ Q12r] FIN colofón: [ Q12r] EN MEDINA I Por Francisco del Canto impressor Año. M. D. LXIII. |
References (most recent first) | Incipits / explicits de: Griffin (July, 1980), “Four Rare Editions of "La Celestina"”, Modern Language Review 573 |
Note | Lobera et al.: ed. Med63 |
Record Status |
Created 2017-01-10 Updated 2023-04-17 |