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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 5194 |
City and Library | Paris Librairie Les Enluminures |
Collection: Call number | Reference number: 502 |
Copied | Ávila: 1451 ca. - 1475 ca. (Les Enluminures) |
External description |
Writing surface | papel (Les Enluminures) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 44 (pero desordenados, la secuencia correcta es 1-4, 12-13, 7, 10-11, 9, 14-19, 8, 5-6, 20-25, 25-42) (Les Enluminures) |
Page Layout | cols. (Les Enluminaires) 34 ll. (1r-v) (Faulhaber) 37 ll. (24v, 25ra, 42ra) (Faulhaber) 38 ll. (25rb, 36v, 37r, 42v) (Faulhaber) |
Size | hoja: 275 × 205 mm (Les Enluminures) caja: 205 × 150 mm (Les Enluminures) |
Hand | gótica redonda híbrida (Faulhabaer) |
Watermark | carro de 2 ruedas (Les Enluminures: Briquet (3543: Fabriano, 1424; Chambéry, 1428-1431; Narbonne, 1432); no. 3544 (Rome, 1459-1460; Lucques 1463-1479)) |
Pictorial elements | iniciales: caligráficas rojas de 2 ll. al comienzo de cada título y ley (Faulhaber) encabezamientos: en rojo (Faulhaber) título corriente núm. del libro en el recto, en rojo (Faulhaber) |
Other features | Pautado: mina de plomo (Les Enluminures) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Cola de Hontineros? (lugar relacionado: Mirueña de los Infanzones 1480 ca.) ? (Les Enluminures) |
References (most recent first) | Descrito en: Les Enluminures (2011-09 ad quem), The Text Manuscripts site of Les Enluminaires , n. TM502 Facsímil: Les Enluminures (2011-09 ad quem), The Text Manuscripts site of Les Enluminaires 1r-v, 24v-25r, 36v-37r, 42v-43r , n. TM502 |
Note | Les Enluminures: “Collation impracticable [originally apparently quires of 10] but corrected sequence of leaves ordered as
follows: ff. 1-4; 4v; 12v-13v; 7-7v; 10-11v; 9-9v; 14-19v; 8-8v; 5-6; 20-25; 25-42), on paper, with watermark of the type
Briquet, “Char,” no. 3543 (Fabriano, 1424; Chambéry, 1428-1431; Narbonne, 1432); no. 3544 (Rome, 1459-1460; Lucques 1463-1479)
[it should be noted that Spanish paper mills are poorly represented in Briquet], written in a rounded littera cursiva libraria
hand, text in two columns, ruled in leadpoint (justification 205 x 150 mm), rubrics in red, initials in red throughout, some
manicula, a few marginal corrections or annotations, title in upper margin added in a later 18th or 19th century hand: “Leyes
de el Fuero Real de el Rey D. Alfonso el X.” Manuscript unbound (First leaf detached and restored or rather reinforced with
rice paper; some holes in paper largely due to acidity of ink; some wormholes; generally quite legible). Dimensions 275 x
205 mm.´´ “PROVENANCE 1. Copied in Spain based on linguistic and paleographical grounds. The watermark suggests paper from the second half of the fifteenth century (although watermarks in Spanish paper are not well documented and identified). The general dates for these watermarks are in keeping with the style of script. It is not possible to provide a more precise place of copy for this manuscript without an in-depth analysis of the linguistic particularities that might point to a specific area in Spain, in all likelihood within the Province of Castile and Léon. 2. There is a full page of inscriptions on f. 42v, that constitute a livre de raison, in which the names of the children of an early owner are listed, as well as their dates of birth and the names of their godparents. There are references to the “yglesia de myruenna,” which is the church of Mirueña, province of Castile and Léon near Avila. 3. European Private Collection.´´ "f. 42v, Livre de raison, incipit, “Mercoles, despues de mediodia…naçio mi hijo cristobal cola fueron padrinos…”; “Mercoles despues de mediodia… a cuatro dias del mes de mayo anno del nacsimento de nuestro salvador ihesu christi de mill i cuatro cientos y ochenta…naçio mi hija francisca cola fueron padrinos juan martines clerogo i andres de gatos…” The inscriptions record the five births to the Cola (or Cola de Hontineros?) family, with dates spanning from 1484 to 1490. The family appears to be based in the city of Mirueña, province of Castile and Léon, near the city of Avila. |
Internet | https://www.textmanuscripts.com/medieval/alfonso-x-royal-code-60772 Les Enluminures visto 2023-04-16 |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 11212 |
Location in volume | ff. 1ra-42rb (Faulhaber) |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 1006 Alfonso X, rey de Castilla y León, Corona de. Fuero real (2.11.4 … 4.25.2) (Les Enluminaires) |
Language | castellano |
Date | Promulgado 1255-07-18 |
Title(s) in witness | Leyes del Fuero Real de el Rey D. Alfonso el X, 1r (Faulhaber) |
Condition | Incompl. |
Note | Faulhaber: El título f.1r añadido en mano del s. XVI. Falta el libro 1 por completo, los 10 primeros títulos del libro 2 y
fragmentos del libro 3, como consta por el cotejo de Les Enluminaires con la ed. de Martínez Díez text expl. 42rb: sy | algunos andaren enel naujo | que non traxieren sino sus cuerpos | non sean tenjdos de dar nada Les Enluminures: TEXT “The manuscript is misbound; the corrected text sequence is as follows: ff. 1-4; 4v; 12v-13v; 7-7v; 10-11v; 9-9v; 14-19v; 8-8v; 5-6; 20-25; 25-42. Book II is incomplete; Book III is apparently almost complete; Book IV is complete. Missing here entirely in Book I. ff. 1-4v, Leyes de Alfonso X. Fuero Real, Book II, Titulos 11-15, incipit titulo 11, De las cosas que se pierden o se ganan por tiempo, ley 4, “Quando alguno morare o estudiere fuera de la tierra et non pudo venir a la tierra a demandar su derecho…” (lacking leyes 1-3); explicit Book II, titulo 15, De las alçadas, ley 9, “[…] a aquel que se alço de su joysio aya la pena sobre dicha” [published in Martínez Diez and Ruiz Asencio, 1988, pp. 277-295]; f. 4v, Leyes de Alfonso X. Fuero Real, Book III, Titulo 1, leyes 1-2, rubric, Titulo de los casamientos xii l[eyes], incipit titulo 1, Titulo de los casamientos, ley 1, “Estableçemos et mandamos que todos los casamientos se fagan…”; explicit ley 2 (lacking ending of ley 2), “[…] non es derecho que case con el […]” [published in Martínez Diez and Ruiz Asencio, 1988, pp. 298-299]; ff. 5-6v, Leyes de Alfonso X. Fuero Real, Book III, Titulos 13-16, incipit Book III, titulo 13, De los vassallos e de lo que les dan sus sennores, ley 4 (lacking beginning of ley 4), “[…] -ende las soldadas que toviere servidas. E esto mismo mandamos si el sennor…”; explicit Book III, titulo 16, De las cosas emprestadas, ley 1 (lacking ending of ley 1), “[…] luego es suya e pueda la ena[genar] […]” [published in Martínez Diez and Ruiz Asencio, 1988, pp. 361-372]; ff. 7- 7v, Leyes de Alfonso X. Fuero Real, Book III, Titulo 3-4, incipit Book III, titulo 3, Titulo de las ganançias del marido e de la mugier, ley 2 (lacking beginning of ley 2), “suyo e si fuer en hueste…”; explicit Book III, titulo 4, De las particiones, ley 8, “[…] por ninguna manera maguer que […]” [published in Martínez Diez and Ruiz Asencio, 1988, pp. 309-315]; ff. 8-8v, Leyes de Alfonso X. Fuero Real, Book III, Titulo 12-13, incipit, Book III, titulo 12, De las donationes, ley 8 (lacking beginning of ley 8), “[…] de cosas suyas et si muriere…”; explicit, Book III, titulo 13, De los vassallos e de lo que les dan sus sennores, ley 4 (lacking ending of ley 4), “[…] del tiene e quanto del tomo fueras…” [published in Martínez Diez and Ruiz Asencio, 1988, pp. 356-361]; |
Record Status |
Created 2012-05-20 Updated 2023-04-16 |