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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 5620 |
City and Library | Oviedo Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo |
Collection: Call number | Biblioteca Histórica: M-461 |
Copied | 1390 ca. - 1410 ca. (Fradejas 2015) 1401 - 1500 (Craddock / Rodríguez Velasco 2008) |
External description |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 156 (tablas 1r-v) (Craddock 2011) |
Page Layout | 2 cols. (Craddock 2011) |
References (most recent first) | Fradejas Rueda (2015), Inspección personal Descrito en: Craddock (2011-06-12), A Bibliography of the Legislative Works of Alfonso X el Sabio, King of Castile and Leon, 1252-1284 Update: 1981-1990 (plus additions to and corrections of pre-1981 entries) 19 , n. Ah92 Craddock et al. (2008-03-04), Alfonso X el Sabio, rey de Castilla y León 1252-1284 Siete Partidas 2.21 “De los caualleros” |
Note | Descr. de Craddock 2011: Ah92 461. 15th c. Paper, 156ff., 2 cols. SP II. Modern Arabic folation in pencil. Rubrics and initials frequently omitted, particularly in the latter parts of the MS. I have noticed two lacunae: between ff. 13v and 14r the end of SP II.v.9 and the beginning of II.v.13 have been lost, as well as the intervening three laws; between ff. 153v and 154r the end of II.xxx.0 and the beginning of II.xxx.3 have disappeared, in addition to the two laws that stood between them. The order of the laws has been confounded in the last third of the text: II.xxiii.30 (f. 120r) is followed by II.xxviii.3-10 (ff. 120r-123v, the last law incomplete), II.xxvi.15-xxvii.9 (ff. 124r-137v), II.xxiv.0-xxvi.15 (ff. 137v-149r, the last law is thus repeated), II.xxviii.11-end (ff. 149r-156v). Catchwords occur at regular 12-folio intervals from f. 45v onward, so that the disturbance in the sequence of does not appear to result from a scrambling of quires in this MS; perhaps the immediate model already contained the deviations from the normal order. Ramón Rodríguez Alvarez, librarian of the Biblioteca Universitaria de Oviedo, kindly supplied photocopy of this MS. García y García, “Tradición” (C722), p. 279, §85; EyE, p. 693, §86. F. 1r-v: table of contents. Rubric (f. 1v): Aqui comjença el segundo li- | bro delas partidas que fabla | delos enperadores & delos Re- | ys & delos otros grandes sennores de | las tierras quelas han de mantener | & guardar en Justiçia & en paz. Incipit (f. 1v): [L]a fe catholica de nuestro sennor… Explicit (f. 156v): … que guar- | dara bjen & lealmente /. todos | los libros que ael fueren dados | para vender. E que non fara | enganno en ello. |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 12890 |
Location in volume | ff. 1r-156v (Craddock) |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 1029 Alfonso X, rey de Castilla y León, Corona de. Siete partidas (2) |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1256-06-23 - 1265-08-28 |
Title(s) in witness | el segundo li-|bro delas partidas que fabla | delos enperadores ⁊ delos Re-|ys ⁊ delos otros grandes sennores de | las tierras quelas han de mantener | ⁊ guardar en Justiçia ⁊ en paz., 1v (Craddock) |
Incipits & explicits in MS | rúbrica:
[ 1v]
Aqui comjença el segundo li-|bro delas partidas que fabla | delos enperadores ⁊ delos Re-|ys ⁊ delos otros grandes sennores
de | las tierras quelas han de mantener | ⁊ guardar en Justiçia ⁊ en paz. texto: [ 1v] [L]a fe catholica de nuestro sennor … [ 156v] … que guar-|dara bjen ⁊ lealmente /. todos | los libros que ael fueren dados | para vender. E que non fara | enganno en ello. |
Record Status |
Created 2015-06-05 Updated 2015-07-13 |