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ID no. of Library | BETA libid 158 |
City and Name | Kraków: Biblioteka Jagiellonska |
Former Name | Jagiellonska Uniwersytet Jagiellonski |
Address | Kraków Polska |
Associated places | Lugar : Kraków |
References (Most recent first) | Biblioteka Jagiellonska (2008-05 -), Jagiellonska Biblioteka Cyfrowa Tylus (2008), “Romance manuscripts in the Berlin Collection in Cracow”, Fibula Ruppel et al. (1970), Stanislaus Polonus. Polski drukarz i wydawca wczesnej doby w Hiszpanii (Stanislaus Polonus, ein polnischer Frühdrucker in Spanien): 113 , n. 30 Catálogo: Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (2017 ad quem), Katalog Zbiorów Bibliotek UJ |
Note | La colección de la Preussische Staatsbibliothek (Staats bibliothek zu Berlin): Tylus 20087: “Beginning with 1941, as a result of the bombing of Berlin by the Allied forces, 41 lorry convoys left Berlin, evacuating the most valuable items from the collection of the Preussische Bibliothek, which were then stored in castles, cloisters and caves, which had been suitably prepared outside the city. Some of the items found their way to Lower Silesia, to the town of Fürstenstein (today’s Ksiaz), and subsequently to the town of Grüssau (today’s Krzeszów). It was fortunate that during the war the Germans moved the collection from Ksiaz to Krzeszów, because the Castle of Ksiaz was burnt by the Russians in 1945, and otherwise the collection would not have survived. As a result of World War II and the Potsdam Agreement, the territories west and north of the Polish border of 1939 (the so-called Western Territories or Regained Territories) were given over to Polish administration (including Krzeszów). In 1945 in a directive concerning preservation of abandoned book collections, the Minister of Education created a new office: the Representation of the Ministry of Education for preservation of book collections abandoned in the so-called Regained Territories, including the territory of Lower Silesia. The recoverd and salvaged book collections that had been kept in Lower Silesia after the war, including the Berlin collection, were moved to the Jagiellonian Library in Cracow, where the Representation held its office. In 1951, after the office had been closed down, the Ministry of Education transferred the Preussische Staatsbibliothek collection to the Jagiellonian Library as bailment of State Treasury. According to Polish law the collection is property of the Polish State Treasury and the Jagiellonian Library is its repository.’’ Faulhaber: Todos los MSS románicos descritos por el proyecto Fibula han sido digitalizados en la Jagiellonska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Biblioteca Digital Jaguellónica) |
Subject | Polska (nación)Polonia |
Internet | https://www.bj.uj.edu.pl/ Biblioteka Jagiellonska visto 2011-10-12 https://www.bj.uj.edu.pl/uj/katalog Biblioteka Jagiellonska visto 2011-10-12 https://jbc.bj.uj.edu.pl/dlibra Jagiellonian Digital Library visto 2019-12-28 |
Holdings of primary sources: MSS and printed editions (in call number order) | manid 6162 Berol. Ms. Hisp. fol. 5 Hisp. Fol. 5 MS: 1751 ca. - 1800 ca. Desconocido… Coplas del Provincial, escrito 1465 - 1466. manid 6165 Berol. Ms. hisp. Fol. 17 Hisp. Fol. 17 ~ 7 -14 MS: 1601 ca. - 1700 ca. Fernando de Pulgar, Crónica de los Reyes Católicos, escrito 1482 - 1493. manid 6163 Ms. Berol. Hisp. qu. 4 MS: 1480 ca. - 1766. manid 6164 Berol. Ms. hisp. qu. 4 / 1 MS: 1480 a quo. Fernando V, rei d'Aragó ~ Isabel I, reina de Castilla y León, Corona de… [Carta en favor de la Mesta y sus ganados], otorgado 1480-02-28. manid 5917 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Cim. o 814 Ed.: Cagliari: Vincenzo Sambenino, para Niccolò Canelles, 1568-02-13. Rodrigo de Valdepeñas, Glosa religiosa y muy cristiana sobre las coplas de don Jorge Manrique, publicado 1540. copid 9366 Cim 5651 | olim E. IX. 14 | olim Lit. Hisp. 120 Ed.: Zaragoza: Jorge Coci, 1508-10-12. Juan de Luzón, Suma de las virtudes (08JL), escrito 1506-07-31. manid 5841 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Cim. o.790 | olim 33.viii.175 Ed.: Medina del Campo: Francisco del Canto, 1563. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. manid 5839 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Cim. o. 1282 Ed.: Estella: Adrian de Anvers, 1560-12-03. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. manid 5840 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Cim. 5689 Ed.: Cuenca: Juan de Cánova, 1561. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. manid 5916 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Qu-E 1-12(5) Ed.: Granada: Hugo de Mena, 1570. Jorge Manrique, comendador de Montizón, Coplas por la muerte de su padre, escrito 1476-11-11 - 1479-04-24. copid 1280 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Ed.: Sevilla: Meinhard Ungut, et al., 1494-11-15. Íñigo López de Mendoza, 1. marqués de Santillana, Introducción al centiloquio de sus proverbios y castigos, escrito 1437. copid 1301 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Ed.: Toledo: Pedro Hagenbach, 1500-02-10. pseudo-Lucius Annaeus Seneca… [Proverbios del Seudo-Séneca] (tr. Pedro Díaz de Toledo, señor de Olmedilla), traducido 1445 ca. a quo - 1454-07-21 ad quem. copid 1354 BJ - Mag. Starych Druków: Ed.: Sevilla: Meinhard Ungut, et al., para Conrado Alemán, et al., 1494-10-20. Aegidius Romanus, arzobispo de Bourges, Regimiento de príncipes (tr. Juan García de Castrojeriz), traducido 1345 ca. copid 8645 Xk 2691 Ed.: Venezia: Giovanni Battista Pederzano, 1531-10-24. Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina… Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (tr. Alfonso Ordóñez), escrito 1502 ad quem. |
Record Status |
Created 1989-06-15 Updated 2024-09-01 |