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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 5542 |
City and Library | London The British Library |
Collection: Call number | Egerton: Egerton MS 306 | olim Eg. 306 |
Copied | 1791 ca. - 1800 ca. (Gayangos) |
External description |
Writing surface | papel (Gayangos) |
Format | folio (Gayangos) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 354 (Gayangos) |
History of volume | Adquirido 1835 (List of additions) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | José Miguel de Flores, historiador (1724-04-15 - 1790-02-23) (Evans 1824) José Antonio Conde (Dr.), bibliotecario ? (Evans 1824) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Museum (1839), List of additions made to the collections in the British Museum in the year MDCCCXXXV 16 , n. Bibl. Eg. 306 Catalogado en: Evans (1824-07-15), Catalogue of rthe Curious Library of Don J. Antonio Conde, Part the Second. Containing an Extraordinary Colletion of Spanish Books and Manuscripts, and Oriental Literature Printed and Manuscript … which will be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Evans, at his House, no 93, Pall-Mall, on Thursday, July 15, and Following Day 1824 85 , n. 1167 Catalogado en: Gayangos (1875-93), Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Spanish Language in the British Museum I:209 , n. Eg. 306 |
Note | Descr. de Gayangos 1875-93 I: 209: “HISTORIA DE LOS REYES CATOLICOS DON FERNANDO Y DOÑA ISABEL, escrita por el bachiller Andres Bernaldez, cura que fue de la villa de Los Palacios, capellan de D. Diego de Deza, arzobispo de Sevilla.’’ The present copy seems to have been prepared for the press in the latter years of last century. Versímilmente es el mismo MS descrito por Evans 1824: “1167 Historia de los Reyes Catholicos Don Fernando y Doña Isabel, ESCRITA POR BERNALDES cura que fué de la Villa de los Palacios y Capellan de Don Diego Deza, Arzobispo de Sevilla. *** A very neatly written copy of a highly interesting Manuscript. A large part of the work relates to the HISTORY OF COLUMBUS AND HIS DISCOVERIES; Bernaldes was personally acquainted with Columbus, and had entertained him as his Guest in 1496, as he states in his 123d Chapter. THIS WORK WAS TO HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED BY SaNCHA WITH HIS COLLECTION OF SPANISH CHRONICLES, and there is no doubt but that this is the copy that was to have served for the purpose; Don Joseph Miguel de Flores, from whose heirs it was purchased, having been one of the Editors of those Chronicles. There is not, perhaps, a more generally interesting work than this among the whole series of Spanish historians, nor one more deserving of publication.’’ |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 12308 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 4088 Andrés Bernáldez, Cura de Los Palacios. Historia de los Reyes Católicos, don Fernando y doña Isabel |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1513 |
Title(s) in witness | HISTORIA DE LOS REYES CATOLICOS DON FERNANDO Y DOÑA ISABEL, escrita por el bachiller Andres Bernaldez, cura que fue de la villa de Los Palacios, capellan de D. Diego de Deza, arzobispo de Sevilla (Gayangos) |
Record Status |
Created 2014-08-22 Updated 2023-06-04 |