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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 6052 |
City and Library | Lugar desconocido Desconocida |
Collection: Call number | olim Salloch cat. 222 n. 2 | olim Kraus cat. 54 n. 2 |
Copied | Galicia (comunidad autónoma): 1491 ca. - 1500 ca. (Kraus) |
External description |
Writing surface | papel (Kraus) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 134 (Kraus) |
Binding | perg. flexible, suelta (Kraus) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | New York: H.P. Kraus 1950 New York: William Salloch [firm] 1970 ? |
References (most recent first) | PhiloBiblon (equipo) (2018-07-08), PhiloBiblon 2018 n. 3 (julio): Campañas de primavera Catalogado en: William Salloch [Firm] ([1970]), Catalogue 271. Spain and Portugal. Part I: A - M 53-54 , n. 222 Catalogado en: H.P. Kraus (1950), Catalogue No. 54. Spain, Italy, France, An Outstanding Collection of Early Printed Books and Choice Manuscripts Recently Purchased in Europe 7 , n. 2 |
Note | Faulhaber: Ofrecido por H.P. Kraus en $125 en 1950 Ofrecido por Salloch en $550 en [1970] Descr. de Salloch: “(Manuscript) Enriquez de Castillo, Diego. LA CARONICA DEL REY DOM EMRIQUE ELL QUARTO HECHA POR EL LISEMCIADO [!] DIEGO EMRIQUEZ DEL CASTILLO su coronista y capelan su comsejo [!]. Manuscript on paper, 134 leaves, written in a fine calligraphic hand of the 15th century. Folio, contemporary vellum. Spain (Galicia), late 15th century.” |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 14126 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 1485 Diego Enríquez del Castillo. Crónica de Enrique IV |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1481 ca. |
Title(s) in witness | la caronica del Rey dom emrrique ell quarto hecha por el Lisemceado diego emRiquez del Castilho su coronista y capelan y del su comsejo (Kraus) |
Incipits & explicits in MS | rúbrica: Comiesa [!] la caronica del Rey dom emrrique ell quarto hecha por el Lisemceado diego emRiquez del Castilho su coronista y capelan y del su comsejo |
Language of witness | agallegado |
Note | Kraus: “The present manuscript is written in a dialect showing strong Galician influence.” |
Record Status |
Created 2019-11-14 Updated 2023-04-12 |