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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 5285 |
City and Library | Madrid Biblioteca Nacional de España |
Collection: Call number | R/2473(2) | olim R/24732 |
Imprint | Toledo: Sucesor a Hagenbach (Norton), 1511-09-18 |
External description |
Writing surface | papel |
Format | folio (Norton) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 132: [4] + I-CXXVII + [1, en blanco] (Norton) |
Collation | [*]4 a-q8 (Norton) |
Page Layout | 2 cols. (Norton) 48 ll. (7r) (Norton) |
Size | caja: 222 × 149 mm (7r) (Norton) |
Font | gótica 150 G (encabezamientos, titulillos) (Norton) gótica 93 G (texto) (Norton) |
Watermark | mano con estrella de 6 puntas dedos y pulgar juntos, guante (Orduna 1987) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Fernando de Moscoso y Sandoval (Don), Orden de Santiago (1690) |
Associated MSS, editions, and specific copies of editions | Compárese con manid 1893 Ed.: Madrid: Nacional (BNE), INC/1663. Sevilla: Meinhard Ungut, et al., 1495-12-29. Giovanni Boccaccio, Caída de príncipes (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de…), traducido 1402. |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Martín Abad (2001), Post-incunables ibéricos , n. 195 Catalogado en: Lucía Megías (2001), “Imágenes de recepción de Boccaccio a través de sus códices: primeras notas”, Cuadernos de Filología Italiana 456 , n. B).2.4. Catalogado en: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] , n. R/2473(2) Orduna (1987), “Registro de filigranas de papel en códices españoles (Cont.)”, Incipit 3 , n. 29 Catalogado en: Blanco Jiménez (1977), “Le opere di Giovanni Boccaccio in Spagna nel '400 e '500: una prima valutazione bibliografica”, Miscellanea Storica della Valdelsa 47 , n. CsT Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 Catalogado en: Vindel (1930-34), Manual gráfico-descriptivo del bibliófilo hispano-americano (1475-1850) , n. 289 Catalogado en: Heredia [y Livermoore] (1891-94), Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. Ricardo Heredia, comte de Benahavis , n. 3502 Catalogado en: Pérez Pastor (1887), La imprenta en Toledo. Descripción bibliográfica de las obras impresas en la imperial ciudad desde 1483 hasta nuestros días , n. 48 |
Note | Norton: portada copiada de la de Sevilla, 1495. BNE Cat.: Ex libris ms. de Fernando Moscoso Encuad. con la ed. de Sevilla, 1528 del Libro de las ilustres mujeres Facsm. digital del ejemplar de la RAH (copid 3473) |
Subject | Post-incunables (1501-1520) |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 11480 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 1532 Giovanni Boccaccio. Caída de príncipes |
Language | castellano |
Date | Traducido 1402 |
Number of additional copies of edition | 18 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 1 BETA copid 3462 |
City and Library | Cambridge Harvard University (Houghton) |
Collection: Call number | f Typ 560.11.223 |
External description |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Henry Huth “EX MUSAEO HVTHII”, bibliófilo (1878) London: Bernard Quaritch Ltd. London 1911-11-21 (price: 41 £ (libra esterlina)) (Huth cat. 1911 p. 350) James Patrick Ronaldson Lyell, bibliófilo (1871 - 1948) (Norton) Philip Hofer, bibliotecario (1984) |
Associated MSS, editions, and specific copies of editions | Encuadernado con manid 4216 Ed.: Cambridge: Houghton Library, f Typ 560.11.223. Valladolid: Diego de Gumiel, 1513-01-05 a quo. Luis de Soto, capellán de Castilla, Recibimiento que se hizo al rey don Fernando en la villa de Valladolid víspera de la epifanía de este año de .D.XIII, escrito 1513-01-05 a quo. |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Harvard University (2002 ad quem), HOLLIS: Harvard OnLine Library Information System , n. Typ 560.11.223 Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1911-22), Catalogue of the famous library of printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters and engravings collected by Henry Huth, and since maintained and augmented by his son, Alfred H. Huth …; the printed books and illuminated manuscripts … sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers I:227 , n. 799 Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1911-22), Catalogue of the famous library of printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters and engravings collected by Henry Huth, and since maintained and augmented by his son, Alfred H. Huth …; the printed books and illuminated manuscripts … sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers I:350 , n. 799 Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1880), The Huth Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Engravings Collected by Henry Huth, with Collations and Bibliographical Descriptions I:175-176 |
Note | Descr. Huth 1880: Cayda de Principes. [Colophon.) Finido &- acabado fue el presente libro 1lamado cayda delos prĩcipes. lmpresso en . . . Toledo. 1511. Folio. Black letter. Title and table, 4 leaves; folios; 1-127. This translation appears to have been made in 1422 by “Jhuan Alfonso de Zamora.’’ The first Spanish edition was printed at Seville in 1495, but that was a different translation. This edition of 1511 is mentioned by Brunet but not described, and no edition of the book is in Señor Salvá's catalogue. Descr. Huth 1911: 799 BOCCACCIO. CAYDA DE PRINCIPES, lit. goth. double columns, large cut of the Wheel of Fortune on title, below which are the wordsCayda de Principes in large gothic letters, large historiated initials and small ornamental capitals, polished calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE COPY folio. [Colophon] Finido & acabado fue el presente libro llamado cayda delos prĩcipes. Impresso en . . . Toledo, 1511 *** Title and table, 4 leaves; folios, I-CXXVII. EXTREMELY RARE. This translation appears to have been made in 1422 by “Jhuan Alfonso de Camora [!].’’ The first Spanish edition was printed at Seville in 1495, but that was a different trauslation. This edition of 1511 is mentioned by Brunet but not described, and no edition of the book is in Salva's catalogue. At the end are 2 unnumbered leaves of “Coplas’’ dedicated to King Ferdinand of Spain, at the end of which is printed “Todo esto hizo y ordeno Luys de Soto Capellan y Cantor del rey neustro [!] Senor [!].’’ |
Internet | https://hollis.harvard.edu/?itemid=|library/m/aleph|002898859 Harvard Cat. visto 2014-01-28 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 2 BETA copid 3463 |
City and Library | Cambridge Cambridge University Library |
Collection: Call number | Norton.b.92 |
External description |
Condition | imperf.: falto de f. CXXI; última hoja defectivo, con pérdida de parte del colofón (Cambridge UL) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Frederick John Norton, bibliógrafo (1904 - 1986) 1986 muerte (Cambridge UL) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 Catalogado en: University of Cambridge (2010-), iDiscover [OPAC] , n. Norton.b.92 |
Internet | https://idiscover.lib.cam.ac.uk/permalink/f/t9gok8/44CAM_ALMA21318383760003606 Cambridge UL visto 2023-05-27 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 3 BETA copid 3461 |
City and Library | London The British Library |
Collection: Call number | C.20.e.22 |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (2011-07-23 ad quem), Explore the British Library [OPAC] , n. C.20.e.22 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 4 BETA copid 3474 |
City and Library | London The London Library |
Collection: Call number | Ant., 4to |
External description |
Condition | imperf: falto de portada, parte de las tablas y h. 19-21, 32, 57, 65, 96, 97, 120, 121; h. 120-121 sustituidas en MS (London Cat.) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham, escritor (1852 - 1936) 1936 ad quem (legado) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: OCLC (1991-), WorldCat , n. 645173252 Catalogado en: The London Library (2011-), Catalogue [OPAC] , n. Ant., 4to |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 5 BETA copid 3473 |
City and Library | Madrid Real Academia de la Historia |
Collection: Call number | 1/1090 |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (1998), Catálogo colectivo del patrimonio bibliográfico español (CCPBE OPAC) , n. BG/33257 Facsímil digital: Secretaría de Estado de Cultura (2008 ad quem), Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico [BVPB] |
Subject | Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 6 BETA copid 3465 |
City and Library | Madrid Real Academia Española |
Collection: Call number | Sala de Comisiones: S. Coms. 7-A-57 |
External description |
Binding | perg. (RAE Cat,) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 Catalogado en: Real Academia Española (RAE) (2009 ad quem), Cronos. Catálogo General [OPAC] , n. S. Coms. 7-A-57 |
Note | RAE Cat. “Sello de la Biblioteca de la Real Academia Española” |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 7 BETA copid 3258 |
City and Library | Madrid Fundación Lázaro Galdiano |
Collection: Call number | IB 1115 | olim Inv. 01115 | olim R 11-18-14 | olim R 30 |
External description |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: [4], CXXVII (Lázaro Cat.) |
Size | hoja: 277 × 205 mm (Yeves) |
Condition | ligeramente restaurado (Yeves) |
Binding | pasta valenciana, con doble recuadro de filetes dorados (Yeves) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Yeves (1993-09-24), José Lázaro Galdiano, bibliófilo 32 , n. 32 Catalogado en: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (1998), Catálogo colectivo del patrimonio bibliográfico español (CCPBE OPAC) , n. BG/33257 Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 235 , n. 1071 Catalogado en: Lázaro Galdiano et al. (1936), Exposición de la estética del libro español, inaugurada en París en los salones de Maggs Bros., 93, rue La Boëtie, 95 el 6 de julo de 1936 , n. 23 Catalogado en: Lázaro Galdiano. Biblioteca (2011-08-11 ad quem), Catálogo [OPAC] , n. I.01115 |
Note | Descr. CCPBE: “pasta valenciana con hierros dorados -- Múltiples an. ms. en las h. de guarda” |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 8 BETA copid 3464 |
City and Library | Madrid Fundación Lázaro Galdiano |
Collection: Call number | IB 10874 | olim Inv, 10874 | olim R 11-18-15 |
External description |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: [4] + 127 (Lázaro Cat.) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (1998), Catálogo colectivo del patrimonio bibliográfico español (CCPBE OPAC) , n. BG/33257 Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 Catalogado en: Lázaro Galdiano. Biblioteca (2011-08-11 ad quem), Catálogo [OPAC] , n. I. 10874 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 9 BETA copid 3466 |
City and Library | Madrid Biblioteca Francisco de Zabálburu y Basabe |
Collection: Call number | 7-110 |
External description |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Salamanca: Colegio de la Magdalena ? |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (1998), Catálogo colectivo del patrimonio bibliográfico español (CCPBE OPAC) , n. CCPB000000032-9 Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 |
Note | Descr. CCPBE: “7-110 -- Enc. pasta -- Ex-libris ms.: ‘es del maior de santta ma magdalena', ‘es del collegio dela magdalena' ” |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 10 BETA copid 3476 |
City and Library | München Bayerische Staatsbibliothek [BSB] |
Collection: Call number | Rar. 2002 |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: OCLC (1991-), WorldCat , n. 165971711 Catalogado en: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) (2010 ad quem), Kataloge [OPAC] , n. Rar. 2002 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 11 BETA copid 3259 |
City and Library | New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library |
Collection: Call number | PQ 4274 .D2 S7 1511 | olim HC327/1327 |
External description |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Karl W. Hiersemann (Penney) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Penney (1965), Printed Books 1468-1700 in The Hispanic Society of America 67 Catalogado en: Hispanic Society of America [HSA] (2014-), The Hispanic Museum & Library [OPAC] , n. PQ 4274 .D2 S7 1511 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 12 BETA copid 3467 |
City and Library | Palma de Mallorca Fundación Bartolomé March |
External description |
History of volume | Comprado 1964 ca. |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Sevilla: Biblioteca de la Casa de Medinaceli 1964 ca. (Norton 1978) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 13 BETA copid 3470 |
City and Library | Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (Tolbiac-François-Mitterand) |
Collection: Call number | Tolbiac - Rez-de-jardin: RES- G- 354 |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 Catalogado en: KBR (2006 ad quem), KBR Catalogue général [OPAC] , n. RES- G- 354 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 14 BETA copid 3471 |
City and Library | Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (Tolbiac-François-Mitterand) |
Collection: Call number | Tolbiac - Rez-de-jardin: RES- G- 1263 |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 , n. RES- G- 1263 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 15 BETA copid 3469 |
City and Library | Perelada Palau de Peralada |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 16 BETA copid 3472 |
City and Library | Salamanca Biblioteca General Histórica de la Universidad de Salamanca |
Collection: Call number | BG/33257 |
External description |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 2 (guardas antiguas de perg.) + [4], CXXVII + [1] (en blanco) + 1 (guarda antigua de perg.) |
Condition | Conserva un fragm. de la port. pegado a la h. de guarda; y tiene la h [2] guillotinada y deteriorada. – Dos h. de perg. como guardas al principio y una al final con música religiosa del siglo XIV bellamente caligrafiada (BUS Cat.) |
Binding | mudéjar renacentista en piel oscura sobre tabla, fileteados triplemente en planos cinco rectángulos concéntricos, cuatro de ellos unidos por la diagonal, una calle rellena de rueda con motivos vegetales y animales, otra calle con hierros de lazos mudéjares, en el centro del plano cinco cuadrados con dibujo mudéjar, cuatro cierres metálicos en forma de concha. Lomo protegido con una tira de papel rústico.’’ (BUS Cat.) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (1998), Catálogo colectivo del patrimonio bibliográfico español (CCPBE OPAC) , n. CCPB000000032-9 Catalogado en: Universidad de Salamanca. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas (2011-08-06 ad quem), Brumario. Catálogo General (OPAC) , n. BG/33257 |
Note | Descr. BUS Cat. “Conserva un fragm. de la port. pegado a la h. de guarda; y tiene la h [2] guillotinada y deteriorada. – Dos h. de perg. como guardas al principio y una al final con música religiosa del siglo XIV bellamente caligrafiada. – Enc. mudéjar renacentista en piel oscura sobre tabla, fileteados triplemente en planos cinco rectángulos concéntricos, cuatro de ellos unidos por la diagonal, una calle rellena de rueda con motivos vegetales y animales, otra calle con hierros de lazos mudéjares, en el centro del plano cinco cuadrados con dibujo mudéjar, cuatro cierres metálicos en forma de concha. Lomo protegido con una tira de papel rústico.’’ |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 17 BETA copid 3468 |
City and Library | San Lorenzo de El Escorial Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (RBME) |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 385 , n. 1072 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 18 BETA copid 3475 |
City and Library | Stuttgart Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart |
Collection: Call number | HBFa 1207 |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: OCLC (1991-), WorldCat Catalogado en: Württembergische Landesbibliothek (2007-), Online-Katalog , n. HBFa 1207 |
Record Status |
Created 2013-01-23 Updated 2023-04-25 |