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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 1797 |
City and Library | London The British Library |
Collection: Call number | IA.52821 |
Imprint | Salamanca: Juan de Porras, 1495-03-10 |
External description |
Writing surface | papel |
Format | 4o |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 174 |
Collation | C10 a-t8 u12 |
Size | hoja: 213 × 145 mm (BL Cat.) |
Binding | perg. (BL Cat.) |
History of volume | Adquirido 1880-07 (BL Cat.) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | San Francisco de México 1575 (BL Cat.) |
Associated persons | Firma en la portada de Miguel Navarro (lugar relacionado: México 1575) (BL Cat.) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (2000-), Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] , n. 02147 Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: London. British Museum (1908-2007), Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVTH Century Now in the British Museum X:50 Catalogado en: Vindel (1945-51), El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV II:70 , n. 45 Catalogado en: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] (1925-) , n. 2147 Catalogado en: Haebler (1903-17), Bibliografía ibérica del siglo XV. Enumeración de todos los libros impresos en España y Portugal hasta el año de 1500 , n. 24 Catalogado en: Copinger (1895-1902), Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum , n. 503 |
Subject | Incunables |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 1117 |
Location in volume | ff. 11r- |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 1517 Antoninus di Pierozzi, arzobispo de Firenze. Suma de confesión “Primeramente el confesor” |
Language | castellano |
Date | Traducido 1492-04-07 ad quem |
Title(s) in witness | Vn tractado mucho prouechoso y de grand doctrina Tractado … que es llamado defecerunt |
Incipits & explicits in MS | rúbrica:
[ 1r]
A gloria y a loor de dios aqui comiença vn tractado mucho prouechoso rúbrica: [ 11r] Aqui comiença vna breue informacion como se deue auer el confessor |
Note | El texto de Antonino, ptes. 1-3, está en latín, ff. 143-74 (BL Cat.). El texto en castellano es el mismo que Sevilla: Ungut & Polono, 1492-04-07 (manid 1796), y Zaragoza: Pablo Hurus, 1497-04-28 (manid 2374) |
Number of additional copies of edition | 11 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 1 BETA copid 1337 |
City and Library | Barcelona Biblioteca Universitària - CRAI Biblioteca Fons Antic |
Collection: Call number | 535 |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: García Craviotto (1989-90), Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas [IBE] I:66 , n. 421 Catalogado en: Universidad de Barcelona (1945), Incunables de la Biblioteca Universitaria , n. 535 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 2 BETA copid 1338 |
City and Library | Cambridge Harvard University (Houghton) |
Collection: Call number | Inc 9565 (32.4) |
External description |
Binding | piel con hierros en seco, cortes jaspeados de rojo; restaurado el lomo (2020-05-12) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Fernando Palha (HOLLIS) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Harvard University (2002 ad quem), HOLLIS: Harvard OnLine Library Information System , n. Inc 9565 (32.4) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838 |
Internet | https://id.lib.harvard.edu/alma/990039583540203941/catalog HOLLIS visto 2020-05-12 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 3 BETA copid 8922 |
City and Library | Cambridge Cambridge University Library (ISTC) |
Collection: Call number | Inc.5.H.7.2[4442] |
External description |
Binding | perg. flexible con correíllas (Cambridge) |
History of volume | Comprado a Davis & Orioli 1961-04-16 (Cambridge) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838 Catalogado en: University of Cambridge (2010-), iDiscover [OPAC] , n. Inc.5.H.7.2[4442] |
Internet | https://idiscover.lib.cam.ac.uk/permalink/f/t9gok8/44CAM_ALMA21380216940003606 Cambridge visto 2020-05-12 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 4 BETA copid 1339 |
City and Library | Évora Biblioteca Pública de Évora |
Collection: Call number | Inc. 112 |
External description |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Convento de Nossa Senhora da Consolação do Bosque de Borba (Cid 1988 Possuidores) Fernando Vaz Cepa (Cid 1988 Possuidores) |
References (most recent first) | Avenoza Vera (2006-07-28), Carta Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: Cid (1988), Incunábulos da Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Distrital de Évora: catálogo abreviado 14 , n. 56 Catalogado en: Cid (1988), Incunábulos e seus possuidores: análise da colecçõo de incunábulos da Biblioteca de Évora 41, 62 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 5 BETA copid 1340 |
City and Library | Lisboa Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal |
Collection: Call number | INC. 496 | olim 416 |
External description |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Gregório de Valença (Fr.) Fernão Mimoso |
Associated persons | Al uso de Baltasar de Ascenção (Fr.) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Mendes (1995), Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas [IBPORT] 52 , n. 105 Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Visto por: Sainz Rodríguez (1983-05-01 a quo - 1989-03-21 ad quem), Inspección personal |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 6 BETA copid 2146 |
City and Library | Lisboa Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal |
Collection: Call number | INC. 497 | olim 417 |
External description |
Associated persons | Al uso de Gregório de Valença (Fr.) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Mendes (1995), Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas [IBPORT] 52 , n. 106 Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: Sainz Rodríguez (1983-05-01 a quo - 1989-03-21 ad quem), Inspección personal |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 7 BETA copid 9117 |
City and Library | Lugar desconocido Desconocida |
Collection: Call number | olim Maggs cat. 656 n. 389 |
External description |
Binding | perg. antigua (Maggs) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Maggs Bros. cat. 656 n. 389 1938 |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Maggs Bros. (1938), Catalogue No. 656. Bibliotheca incunabulorum 236 , n. 389 |
Note | Ofrecido por Maggs 1938 en £200 ¿Equiparable con alguno de los ejemplares conocidos? |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 8 BETA copid 1341 |
City and Library | New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library |
Collection: Call number | [copy 1] |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: Penney (1965), Printed Books 1468-1700 in The Hispanic Society of America 28 Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 9 BETA copid 2145 |
City and Library | New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library |
Collection: Call number | [copy 2] |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: Penney (1965), Printed Books 1468-1700 in The Hispanic Society of America 28 Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 10 BETA copid 1342 |
City and Library | San Juan Casa del Libro |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 11 BETA copid 2768 |
City and Library | Sant Cugat del Vallès Biblioteca Borja (Provincial de la Provincia de Cataluña de la Compañía de Jesús) |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000 Catalogado en: García Craviotto (1989-90), Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas [IBE] I:66 , n. 421 |
Record Status |
Created 1985-07-10 Updated 2020-04-08 |