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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 6207 |
City and Library | Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France (Tolbiac-François-Mitterand) |
Collection: Call number | Tolbiac Rez-de-jardin - magasin: A-2537 | olim A. 412 |
Imprint | España (reino): 1500 a quo? (BnF Cat.) Lleida: Enrique Botel, 1498 (Norton / Pellechet) |
External description |
Format | 4o (ISTC) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 106: [i] + ii-cvi (GW) |
Collation | a-b10 c8 d-e10 f-g8 h-i10 k-m8 (GW) |
Pictorial elements | orla: a colores con motivos vegetales (f. Ir) (Faulhaber) |
Condition | imperf.? (ISTC) |
Binding | piel marrón de la época (Faulhaber) |
References (most recent first) | Visto el facsm. digital por: Faulhaber (2023), Inspección personal Faulhaber (2020-04-30), PhiloBiblon 2020 n. 2 (abril): Los incunables en tiempos del bicho Catalogado en: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (2000-), Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] , n. M3626210 Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ip01076350 Catalogado en: Pellechet et al. (1897-1909), Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques de France , n. 9367 Catalogado en: Bibliothèque national de France (BnF) et al. (1981-2014), Catalogue des incunables (CIBN) , n. P-676 Catalogado en: Norton (1978), A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520 128 , n. 355n Catalogado en: KBR (2006 ad quem), KBR Catalogue général [OPAC] , n. A-2537 Facsímil digital: Bibliothèque national de France (BnF) (2011 ad quem), Gallica , n. A-2537 |
Note | Norton 1978: “There is a copy of [an edition noted by Brunet] in the Bibliothèque Nationale (Rés. A. 2537) and on examination it proves to be in the types of Henricus Botel of Lérida and so to be of the preceding decade [i.e., decade of 1491-1500].” |
Subject | Incunables Post-incunables (1501-1520) Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados |
Internet | ark:/12148/cb35951224f BnF Cat. visto 2023-04-11 https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k15063891 Gallica visto 2023-04-11 |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 15146 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 4049 David, rey de Israel. Salterio en lengua castellana con el calendario y letanía de los santos (?) |
Language | castellano |
Date | Traducido 1508-02 ad quem |
Number of additional copies of edition | 1 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 1 BETA copid 8993 |
City and Library | Córdoba Biblioteca Pública del Estado / Biblioteca Provincial en Córdoba |
Collection: Call number | A.A. 2-36(31) |
External description |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Martín Abad (2007), Post-incunables ibéricos. (Adenda) 144 , n. 1377 Catalogado en: Porro Herrera (1991), El libro antiguo y la Historia: Exposición bibliográfica. Catálogo 11 , n. 3 nota |
Note | Martín Abad 2016 proporciona la ref. a este ejemplar a través del catálogo de Porro Herrera |
Record Status |
Created 2020-03-18 Updated 2023-04-13 |