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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 5595 |
City and Library | London Sotheby's Books & Manuscripts |
Collection: Call number | olim L14240 lot 59 |
Copied | Córdoba: 1561 (Sotheby's Auction results) |
External description |
Writing surface | vitela (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 52 |
Collation | i-iv2 v-xii4 xiii-xiv6 (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Page Layout | 22 / 23 ll. (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Size | hoja: 195 × 145 mm (Sotheby's Auction results) caja: 144/155 × 100/105 mm (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Hand | gótica de coro (Faulhabe) |
Pictorial elements | inicial: grande roja de “strapwork” (portada (3r)) (Sotheby's Auction results) orla: foliada de tinta morada formando un cuadro en los 2 lados y la parte de arriva, abierto hacia abajo (3r) (Sotheby's Auction results) inicial: grande (9r) (Sotheby's Auction results) iniciales: pequeñas rojas (Sotheby's Auction results) rúbricas: en rojo (Sotheby's Auction results) calderones: en rojo (Sotheby's Auction results) dibujo: en tinta negra de un cazador (calcado a colores posteriormente) (2r) (Sotheby's Auction results) dibujo: en tinta negra de santa Lucía (calcado a colores posteriormente) (6r) (Sotheby's Auction results) dibujo: en tinta negra de la Crucifixión (calcado a colores posteriormente) (7v) (Sotheby's Auction results) dibujo: de santa María con el niño Jesucristo (calcado a colores posteriormente) (8r) (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Other features | Pautado: de oro (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Condition | regular, con algunos daños; la vitela arrugada (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Binding | piel sobre tablas con hierros geométricos en seco formando rectángulos concéntricos que encierran parte de una inscripción “COR”; agujeros para broches (Sotheby's Auction results) |
History of volume | Vendido London 2014-07-08 (price: 2.500 £ (libra esterlina)) (Sotheby's Auction catalogue) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Carlos Rusconi, comisario de Gena [1789] 1785 (Sotheby's Auction results) Coleccionista particular, bibliófilo Surrey (1985 ad quem - 2014-07-08 ad quem) 1985 ad quem - 2014-07-08 ad quem (Sotheby's Auction results) |
Associated persons | Firma f. 46r de Juan Díaz de Vallejo, canónigo de Córdoba [1562-09-06] |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Sotheby's (2014-07-08), Auction Results. Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts. 08 JULY 2014 , n. lot 59 Catalogado en: Conde (2010-12-07), Magdalen Iberian Medieval Studies Seminar (MIMSS). MIMSS Manuscript Movement Report , n. LS2014070800590016. |
Note | MIMSS: Regla de la santa misericordia de nro señor Ihu Xpo[…] desta ciudad de Cordoua. Decorated vellum manuscript in Spanish,
Córdoba, 1561. 52 leaves; rubrication (in the literal sense); strapwork initial “R” on title page. Illustrated in catalogue.
Contemporary binding of stamped leather over wooden boards. Recent UK provenance. Some added drawings. The Santa Misericordia
fraternity includes dedication to Sta Lucía and San Julián. Estimate: £3000-5000. MIMSS Catalogue number: LS2014070800590016. MIMSS catalogue number: LS2014070800400014. Sotheby's Catalogue: vendido en £ 6.875 Sotheby's Auction results: REGLA DE LA SANCTA MISERICORDIA, IN SPANISH, DECORATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM [SOUTHERN SPAIN (CORDOBA), DATED 1561] 52 leaves (fols.1-2 and 5-8 original flyleaves at front and fols.46-52 at back), 195mm. by 140mm., complete, single column, collation: i-iv2, v-xii4, xiii-xiv6, 22-23 lines, written space 145/155mm. by 100/105mm., written in a late gothic Spanish bookhand, rubrics in red, small initials and paragraph marks in red, one large initial on title page (fol.3r) with cadels in red ink with three-sided foliate border in purple ink, one large initial at beginning of text (fol.9r) in brown ink, 4 flyleaves at front with drawings in black ink depicting a man hunting (fol.2r), St. Lucia (fol.6r), the Crucifixion (fol.7v) and the Virgin and Child (fol.8r), covered with paper leaves in the seventeenth or eighteenth century with coloured drawings depicting the same subjects, these now detached and bound before the original drawings, a sketch of the head of a saint in brown ink on fol.1v, final additions by Juan Diaz de Valleso dated 6 September 1562 (fols.45v-46r), a number of long inscriptions in Spanish by different hands, the last dated 1698 (fols.3v-4r, 4v, and 49v-50r), vellum cockled throughout and damaged in places, the drawings somewhat damaged, in fair condition, contemporary stamped leather binding over wooden boards, with borders of geometric designs enclosing part of an inscription “COR”, the boards rubbed and worn in places, and leather of backboard split, skilfully rebacked This manuscript contains the rules of a religious organisation named Sancta Misericordia which existed in sixteenth-century Cordoba. The title page reads “Regla de la sancta misericordia de nuestro senhor Ihesu Christo E de la limpia Conception de nuestra senora E virgine sancta Lucia e sanct Julian d’esta ciudad de Cordova Anno de 1561 Annos”. The final clause, dated 6 September 1562, shows that the ‘Misericordia’ was established in the church of St. Nicholas de la Axerquja, on the Potro Square in Cordoba. The clause is signed by the cathedral canon, Juan Diaz de Valleso |
Internet | https://mimss-manuscripts-report.blogspot.com/ Magdalen College visto 2015-02-01 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/medieval-renaissance-manuscripts-l14240/lot.59.html Sotheby's visto 2015-02-01 |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 12525 |
Location in volume | ff. 3r-45v (Faulhaber) |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 10700 Cofradía de la Santa Misericordia de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de la limpia Concepción de Nuestra Señora y virgen santa Lucía y san Julián de Córdoba. Regla de la Santa Misericordia de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de la limpia Concepción de Nuestra Señora y virgen santa Lucía y san Julián |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1561 ad quem |
Title(s) in witness | Regla ᵭ | la sãcta miseri|coꝛdia ᵭ nr̃o señoꝛ | ihũ xp̃o E ᵭ la lim|pia Cõceptiõ de | nr̃a señoꝛa E vir-|gẽ sãcta lucia ⁊ . | sãt Juliã ᵭsta ci|udad ᵭ Coꝛdoua | Año ᵭ.1561.años., f. 3r (rojo) (Faulhaber) |
Incipits & explicits in MS | texto: …
[ 45v]
… sea voluntaria y por eso mas | meritoꝛia nose justo forçarles | sino ẽcargarles tã sãcta obꝛa confirmación: [ 45v] yo El licençiado Juan Diaz De vallejo canonigo en la Sancta yglesia de cordoua prouisor o|fiçial … [ 46r] … saluo En | las otras Penas Pecuniarias conthenidas enla dha | rregla fecha: [ 46r] dada En Cordoua a seys dias del mes de Se/|Ptiembre de mill y quios e sesenta y dos años |
Record Status |
Created 2015-02-01 Updated 2024-08-03 |