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BETA cnum 10822 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 10172 Rodrigo de Reinosa, bachiller. “Pásame por Dios, barquero | de aquella parte del río. Duélete del dolor mío” |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1519 ca. ad quem |
City, library, collection, & call number | Madrid: Real Biblioteca, II/1335 | olim 2-I-5 |
Title(s) in volume | Escobar, 232r (Dutton 1990-91) |
Copied | 1490 ca. (MP4a (Dutton)) 1500 ca. (MP4b (Dutton)) 1501 a quo - 1504 ad quem (MP4c (Dutton)) 1504 a quo - 1505 ad quem (MP4d (Dutton)) 1510 ca. (MP4e (Dutton)) 1515 (MP4f (Dutton)) 1515 (MP4g (Dutton)) 1516 - 1517 (MP4i (Dutton)) 1518 (MP4j (Dutton)) 1519 - 1520 (MP4k (Dutton)) |
Location in witness | f. 232r (Dutton 1990-91) |
Title(s) in witness | Escobar, 232r (Dutton 1990-91) |
Incipits & Explicits in witness | texto: [ 232r] pasame por dios varquero | daquesa parte del rrio | duelete del dolor mio … porquen tardarse el navio | tardase el rremedio mio |
Poetic Stanza | 3, 6x7 |
References (Most recent first) | Transcripción en: Dutton (1990-91), El cancionero del siglo XV. c. 1360-1520 II:564-65 , n. [ID3619] |
Record Status | Created 2010-04-27 |