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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 6182 |
City and Library | Madrid Biblioteca Nacional de España |
Collection: Call number | Gayangos: R/11954 |
Title of volume | Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea : en la qual se contienen (demas de su agradable y dulce estilo) muchas sentencias philosophales
y auisos muy necessarios para mancebos, monstradoles los engaños que estan encerrados en siruientes y alcaheutes [!] Agora
nueuam?te corregida y emendada … ( portada) |
Imprint | Zaragoza: Carlos de Lavayén, Juan Larumbe, 1607 (Saguar) |
External description |
Writing surface | papel |
Format | 12o |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: [9] + 175 + [2] (BNE Cat.) |
Collation | A-P12 Q6 (BNE Cat.) |
State | (BNE Cat.) |
Binding | holandesa (BNE Cat.) |
History of volume | Comprado 1900 (BNE Cat.) |
References (most recent first) | Catalogado en: Saguar García (2020), “Hacia un censo completo unificado de los ejemplares conservados de "Celestina" (I)”, Celestinesca 308-9 , n. 82 Catalogado en: Biblioteca Nacional de España (2000-), Catálogo Bibliográfico BNE [OPAC] , n. R/11954 Catalogado en: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America 113 |
Note | Facsm, digital a base del ejemplar de Wien: ÖNB, *38.L.96 ALT PRUNK (copid 9332) |
Internet | https://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/cgisirsi/x/0/0/57/20/R^2F11954/0/X439468-1001?user_id=WEBSERVER BNE Cat. visto 2022-11-20 https://onb.digital/result/10AA2164 Wien: ÖNB Digitale Bibliothek visto 2022-11-20 |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 15091 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 3632 Fernando de Rojas, alcalde de Talavera de la Reina. Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1502 ad quem |
Number of additional copies of edition | 2 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 1 BETA copid 9331 |
City and Library | New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library ? |
Collection: Call number | PQ6426 .A1 1607 |
External description |
Binding | green crushed morocco, 3-line gilt fillets, gilt-tooled and lettered spine, gilt dentelle inside borders, glazed marbled end-papers, green-red-gold silk marker, gilt-over-marbled edges. With super-libris of Bibliothe?que de Mello impressed in gilt at center of both covers. Signed by Hardy. (HSA Cat.) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | François Florentin Achille Seillière ‘BIBLIOTHÈQUE DE MELLO”, 2. barón de Seillière [1873-05-14] (coat of arms: supra-libros) (HSA Cat.: supra-libros) |
Associated persons | Encuadernador Hardy-Mesnil, encuadernador Paris (1884 ad quem) (HSA Cat.) |
References (most recent first) | Saguar García (2019-09-18), Carta (correo electrónico) Catalogado en: Penney (1954), The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America , n. 113 Catalogado en: Hispanic Society of America [HSA] (2014-), The Hispanic Museum & Library [OPAC] , n. PQ6426 .A1 1607 |
Internet | https://hispanicsociety.mlasolutions.com/m5/catalog/?installation=Default&urlcommand=search&query1=0000001893&MARCATTRIBUTE1=001&MARCATTRIBUTE2=&MARCATTRIBUTE3=&op1=0000000002&lexile=&view=shareitem&viewposition=0000001893&databases=0000000109 HSA Cat. visto 2022-11-20 |
ID no. of additional copy of edition | 2 BETA copid 9332 |
City and Library | Wien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek |
Collection: Call number | Sammlung von Handschriften und alten Drucken: *38.L.96 ALT PRUNK |
External description |
Pictorial elements | xilografías: figuras factotum de Calisto y Melibea (portada) (Faulhaber) |
Binding | holandesa con puntas: perg. con papel de aguas; guardas de papel de aguas (Faulhaber) |
Associated persons | Encuadernador Hardy-Mesnil, encuadernador Paris (1884 ad quem) (HSA Cat.) |
References (most recent first) | Saguar García (2019-09-18), Carta (correo electrónico) Catalogado en: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Kataloge [OPAC] , n. *38.L.96 ALT PRUNK Facsímil digital: Hispanic Society of America [HSA] (2014-), The Hispanic Museum & Library [OPAC] |
Subject | Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados |
Internet | https://data.onb.ac.at/rec/AC09790981 HSA Cat. visto 2022-11-20 https://onb.digital/result/10AA2164 ÖNB Digitale Bibliotek |
Record Status |
Created 2020-02-26 Updated 2022-12-10 |