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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 6209 |
City and Library | Scotland Private Library (GW) |
Imprint | Zaragoza: [Juan Hurus] ?, [Pablo Hurus] ?, 1485 a quo - 1495 ad quem (ISTC) Zaragoza: [Juan Hurus] ?, 1488 ca. - 1491 ca. (Lacarra) |
External description |
Writing surface | papel |
Format | 4o (GW) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: [46] (GW) ff.: [44] (Lacarra 2015) |
Collation | ab8 c6 d8 e6 f¿10? (GW) |
Page Layout | 2 cols. (GW) 35 / 38 ll. (GW) |
Size | hoja: 271 × 180 mm (Lacarra 2015) caja: 185 × 124 mm (Lacarra 2015) |
Font | gótica 134 G (GW) gótica 99 G (texto) (GW) gótica 100 G (texto) (Lacarra 2015) |
Pictorial elements | xilografías: 32 (una de ellas repetida 5 veces), de ca. 88 × 118 mm. (Lacarra 2015) |
Condition | imperf.: falto de hh. f5-f6; en blanco hh. a1r, h10v (GW) |
Binding | marroquí verde oscuro, cortes dorados (Christie et al. 1918) |
Previous owners (oldest first) | Antonio María Pascual de Borbón “S.D.S.Y.D.A.”, infante de España 1817 ad quem (Lacarra 2015: sello: “S.D.S.Y.D.A.” (Soy Del Señor Ynfante Don Antonio)) Charles Fairfax Murray, bibliófilo (1919-01) 1907 ad quem (A List of Printed Books in the Library of Charles Fairfax Murray) |
Associated persons | Encuadernador Lloyd, encuadernador (1918 ad quem) (Christie et al. 1918) |
References (most recent first) | Faulhaber (2020-04-30), PhiloBiblon 2020 n. 2 (abril): Los incunables en tiempos del bicho Descrito en: Lacarra Ducay (2015), “La Hystoria de los siete sabios de Roma [Zaragoza:Juan Hurus, ca. 1488 y 1491] un incunable desconocido”, Estudios de literatura medieval en la Península Ibérica Catalogado en: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (2000-), Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] , n. 12880 Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. is00453300 Catalogado en: Christie, Manson & Woods (1918), Catalogue of the Second Portion of the Library of C. Fairfax Murray, Esq. Comprising Early Printed Books of France, Italy and Spain, and General Literature, Many in Fine Bindings, Publications of the Kelmscott Press, etc. etc. which will be sold at auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods … March 18, 1918, and three following days…. 121 , n. 734 Catalogado en: A List of Printed Books in the Library of Charles Fairfax Murray (1907) 105 Catalogado en: Palau y Dulcet (1948-77), Manual del librero hispano-americano XXI:201 , n. 312777 |
Note | GW: las iniciales 134G son de Pablo Hurus |
Subject | Incunables |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 15148 |
Location in volume | ff. a2r-¿f10rb? (GW) |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 3625 Desconocido. Historia de los siete sabios de Roma (?) |
Language | castellano |
Date | Escrito 1155 ca. ad quem |
Title(s) in witness | la hyſtoꝛia delos | ſiete ſabios de roma:, a2r (GW) |
Incipits & explicits in MS | rúbrica:
[ a2r]
Comiença la hyſtoꝛia delos | ſiete ſabios de roma: texto: [ a2r] [p]5Onciano regno | en la ciudad de ro|ma: ⁊ fue hombꝛe | muy diſcreto: ⁊ to|mo poꝛ muger la | fija de vn rey que era endemaſia | fermoſa ⁊ gracioſa … [ ¿f10rb?] … faſta el tiem|po de Pitagoꝛas fueron llama|dos ſabios: ⁊ deſpues han ſidso dichos philoſophos |
References (most recent first) | Incipits / explicits de: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (2000-), Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] , n. 12880 |
Record Status |
Created 2020-03-18 Updated 2023-04-13 |