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ID no. of MS | BETA manid 2873 |
City and Library | Ledesma Archivo Municipal |
Copied | 1291 ca.? - 1310 ca.? (Castro y Onís) |
External description |
Writing surface | perg. (Castro y Onís) |
Leaf Analysis | ff.: 42 (originalmente 48) (Castro y Onís) |
Size | hoja: 260 × 180 mm (Castro y Onís) |
Hand | gótica francesa (Castro y Onís) |
Condition | Incompl. (Castro y Onís) |
Other Associated Texts | texid 2417 Fernando III, rey de Castilla, Fuero de Ledesma, escrito 1230 a quo - 1252 ad quem |
References (most recent first) | Descrito en: Castro et al. (1916), Fueros leoneses de Zamora, Salamanca, Ledesma y Alba de Tormes. Textos |
Note | Castro: s. XIII-XIV |
Internal Description |
Number of texts in volume: | 1 |
Specific witness ID no. | 1 BETA cnum 3523 |
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title | texid 2417 Fernando III, rey de Castilla. Fuero de Ledesma |
Language | leonés |
Date | Escrito 1230 a quo - 1252 ad quem |
Condition | incompl. |
References (most recent first) | Edición electrónica en: Gago Jover et al. (2013), Spanish Legal Texts , n. FLE |
Subject | Internet - Textos electrónicos |
Internet | https://www.hispanicseminary.org/t&c/lex/index-en.htm HSMS visto 2013-10-23 |
Record Status |
Created 1985-07-10 Updated 2023-04-08 |