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ID no. of Reference BETA bibid 5833
Format artículo de revista. referencia. hoja de web
Author Óscar Perea Rodríguez
Title Night Moves: Nocturnality within Religious and Humanist Poetry in Hernando del Castillo's Cancionero general
Source eHumanista. Journal of Iberian Studies
Date / Location 22 2012: páginas 289-329
Internet visto 2012-12-12
Source of Data for Persons bioid 1040 Diego de Burgos, secretario (1454 - 1458)
bioid 1051 Gómez Manrique, corregidor de Toledo [1477-02-18 - 1490-11-03 a quo]
bioid 1969 Juan Tallante (mosén), regidor de Murcia [1445 - 1462]
bioid 1329 Nicolás Núñez, poeta
bioid 3985 Sacedo, poeta (1500 ad quem fl.)
Record Status Created 2012-12-13