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ID no. of Reference BETA bibid 3955
Format libro. referencia. impreso
Author Joseph F. O'Callaghan
Title The Spanish Military Order of Calatrava and its Affiliates
Place / Publisher London: Variorum Reprints
Date / Location 1975:
References (most recent first) citado por: Sharrer (2000-10-24), Carta (correo electrónico)
Note Reimprr. de 9 estudios anteriores, guardando la misma foliación de los originales.
Held by Berkeley: U. of California (MAIN) CR 5833 O241 (Faulhaber)
Source of Data for Institutions insid 1099 Encomienda de Calatrava (encomienda): Orden de Calatrava
Source of Data for References bibid 6675 O'Callaghan (1959), “The Affiliation of the Order of Calatrava with the Order of Cîteaux”, Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis
bibid 6676 O'Callaghan (1960), “The Affiliation of the Order of Calatrava with the Order of Cîteaux”, Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis
bibid 6647 O'Callaghan (1961), “The Earliest '‘Difiniciones' of the Order of Calatrava, 1304-1383”, Traditio
bibid 6673 O'Callaghan (1962), “Martín Pérez de Siones, maestre de Salvatierra”, Hispania (Madrid)
bibid 6674 O'Callaghan (1972), “Las definiciones medievales de la Orden de Montesa (1326-1468)”, Miscelánea de Textos Medievales
Record Status Created 2000-10-30
Updated 2015-01-14