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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 3509
City and Library Williamstown Williams College. Chapin Library
Collection: Call number Spanish folio
Printed Valladolid: Juan de Villaquirán (BNE Cat.) para Cosme Damián (BNE Cat.), 1536-06-01 (colofón f. 104vd)

External description

Previous owners (oldest first) Josephus Posroy, notario (sello)
Henry Huth “EX MUSAEO HVTHII”, bibliófilo (1878) (Williams College Cat.)
London: Ellis, Booksellers London 1914-07-11 (price: 10/10/0 £ (libra esterlina)) (Huth cat. 1911 pág. 1486)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: OCLC (1991-), WorldCat , n. 5302209
Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1911-22), Catalogue of the famous library of printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters and engravings collected by Henry Huth, and since maintained and augmented by his son, Alfred H. Huth …; the printed books and illuminated manuscripts … sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers V:1396 , n. 4911
Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1911-22), Catalogue of the famous library of printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters and engravings collected by Henry Huth, and since maintained and augmented by his son, Alfred H. Huth …; the printed books and illuminated manuscripts … sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers V:1486 , n. 4911
Note Williams cat.: “Josephus posroy, Notarius Bibl. Caesarius” (sello)

OCLC (2014-0204) erróneamente cataloga este ejemplar como de la ed. de Valladolid, 1540,

Descr. Huth 1911: “4911 MENA (JUAN DE) COPILACIÕ DE TODAS LAS OBRAS del Famosissimo poeta Juan de mena : conuiene saber las ccc. cõ otras xxiiij coplas y su glosa. . . . . . [colophon] Fueron empremidas las treziẽtas del famoso poeta Juan de Mena enla muy noble Villa de Valledolid [!] en nuestra señora de prado por Juã de villaq'rã. Año de. M. D.y.xxxy vj. años. a. j. d' junio. LA CORONACIÕ . . . . . CON OTRAS COPLAS. . . . . . [colophon] Fue impremida la presente obra . . . en . . . . Valladolid en nuestra señora de Prado por Juan de villaquirã . . . . Año . . . d' mil ⁊ q̃uiẽtos [!] ⁊ treynta y seys años. lit. goth. (three types), folios- I-CIIII, including the title, and I-XXVI, including a second title, 2 titles within fine woodcut borders, old russia extra, g. e. folio.

Bound in the same volume is “PROVERBIOS DE DÕ lÑIGO LOPEZ DE MENDOÇA : MARQ~S DE SANTILLANA,’’ lit. goth. XXIX numbered folios, including a title within woodcut ornamental border, with a centre cut of a king and counsellors, the fore and lower edges of which are rough, printed at Seville by Juan Cromberger, 1530
Record Status Created 2014-02-04
Updated 2024-08-05