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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 3462
City and Library Cambridge Harvard University (Houghton)
Collection: Call number f Typ 560.11.223
Printed Toledo: Sucesor a Hagenbach (Norton), 1511-09-18

External description

Previous owners (oldest first) Henry Huth “EX MUSAEO HVTHII”, bibliófilo (1878)
London: Bernard Quaritch Ltd. London 1911-11-21 (price: 41 £ (libra esterlina)) (Huth cat. 1911 p. 350)
James Patrick Ronaldson Lyell, bibliófilo (1871 - 1948) (Norton)
Philip Hofer, bibliotecario (1984)
Associated MSS/editions Encuadernado con manid 4216 Ed.: Cambridge: Houghton Library, f Typ 560.11.223. Valladolid: Diego de Gumiel, 1513-01-05 a quo. Luis de Soto, capellán de Castilla, Recibimiento que se hizo al rey don Fernando en la villa de Valladolid víspera de la epifanía de este año de .D.XIII, escrito 1513-01-05 a quo.
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Harvard University (2002 ad quem), HOLLIS: Harvard OnLine Library Information System , n. Typ 560.11.223
Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1911-22), Catalogue of the famous library of printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters and engravings collected by Henry Huth, and since maintained and augmented by his son, Alfred H. Huth …; the printed books and illuminated manuscripts … sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers I:227 , n. 799
Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1911-22), Catalogue of the famous library of printed books, illuminated manuscripts, autograph letters and engravings collected by Henry Huth, and since maintained and augmented by his son, Alfred H. Huth …; the printed books and illuminated manuscripts … sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers I:350 , n. 799
Catalogado en: Huth et al. (1880), The Huth Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters and Engravings Collected by Henry Huth, with Collations and Bibliographical Descriptions I:175-176
Note Descr. Huth 1880:

Cayda de Principes. [Colophon.) Finido &- acabado fue el presente libro 1lamado cayda delos prĩcipes. lmpresso en . . . Toledo. 1511. Folio. Black letter.
Title and table, 4 leaves; folios; 1-127.
This translation appears to have been made in 1422 by “Jhuan Alfonso de Zamora.’’ The first Spanish edition was printed at Seville in 1495, but that was a different translation. This edition of 1511 is mentioned by Brunet but not described, and no edition of the book is in Señor Salvá's catalogue.

Descr. Huth 1911:

799 BOCCACCIO. CAYDA DE PRINCIPES, lit. goth. double columns, large cut of the Wheel of Fortune on title, below which are the wordsCayda de Principes in large gothic letters, large historiated initials and small ornamental capitals, polished calf extra, inside dentelles, g. e. by F. Bedford, FINE COPY
folio. [Colophon] Finido & acabado fue el presente libro llamado cayda delos prĩcipes. Impresso en . . . Toledo, 1511
*** Title and table, 4 leaves; folios, I-CXXVII. EXTREMELY RARE.
This translation appears to have been made in 1422 by “Jhuan Alfonso de Camora [!].’’ The first Spanish edition was printed at Seville in 1495, but that was a different trauslation. This edition of 1511 is mentioned by Brunet but not described, and no edition of the book is in Salva's catalogue. At the end are 2 unnumbered leaves of “Coplas’’ dedicated to King Ferdinand of Spain, at the end of which is printed “Todo esto hizo y ordeno Luys de Soto Capellan y Cantor del rey neustro [!] Senor [!].’’
Internet|library/m/aleph|002898859 Harvard Cat. visto 2014-01-28
Record Status Created 2014-01-25
Updated 2024-08-05