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ID no. of MS BETA manid 2966
City and Library Philadelphia Free Library of Philadelphia
Collection: Call number Rare Books: Lewis E-245
Title of volume FUERO | DE | BURGOS ( tejuelo)
Codex F (Martínez Díez)
Copied 1291 ca. - 1300 ca. (Kraus)
1301 ca. - 1400 ca. (Martínez Díez)

External description
Writing surface perg.
Leaf Analysis ff.: [2: guardas de papel] + 92 + [2: guardas de papel] (Faulhaber)
Collation 12+1, 2-78 84, 910,10-128, 133 = 92 h. (de 93) (Kraus)
Page Layout 26 ll. (20r, 36r, 56r) (Faulhaberf)
Size hoja: 252 × 185 mm (Kraus)
hoja: 248 × 183 mm (f. 4) (Faulhaber)
caja: 171 × 120 mm (20r) (Faulhaber)
encuad.: 261 × 190 mm (Faulhaber)
Hand gótica minúscula libraria (Faulhaber)
Pictorial elements iniciales: caligráficas grandes, 4, ¿estilo mudéjar? rojas o azules con adornos de filigrana del color contrastante (f. 4r (58 x 57 = 7 ll.), 18v (60 x 60 = 8 ll.), 36r (57 x 58 = 9 ll.), 66r (5 x 46 = 8 ll.)) (Faulhaber)
iniciales: rojas y azules alternando, de altura de 3 ll. para los títulos y de 2 ll. para las secciones, con rasgueo del color contrastante extendiéndose en los marg. (Faulhaber)
Other features 1a lín.: encima de la pauta (Faulhaber)
Pautado: mina de plomo (Faulhaber)
Justificación: 4 ll. verticales (Faulhaber)
Reclamos: verticales a la derecha (11v, 19v, 27v, 43v, 51v, 55v, 73v, 81v, 89v) (Faulhaber)
Cosido: (7/8, 15/16, 23/24, 31/32, 39/40, 47/48, 53/54, 60/61, 69/70, 77/78, 85/86) (Faulhaber)
Condition buena, con algunos cuadernos casi desprendos y el f. 3 suelto; falta la última hoja (Faulhaber)
Binding becerrillo moteado / pasta española, s. XVIII, (Faulhaber)
History of volume Adquirido 1968 ? (Faulhaber)
Previous owners (oldest first) Frederick North, earl of Earl of Guilford
Thomas Phillipps (Sir), 1. Baronet [1821 - 1872-02-06] 6736 (Faulhaber)
New York: H.P. Kraus Cat. 117, n. 6
References (most recent first) Visto por: Faulhaber (2009), Inspección personal
Catalogado en: Alfonso X et al. (1985-91), Leyes de Alfonso X II:69-70 , n. Codex F
Catalogado en: Craddock (1986), The Legislative Works of Alfonso X, el Sabio: A Critical Bibliography 31 , n. Ab25
Catalogado en: H.P. Kraus (1968), Catalogue 117. Mediaeval and Renaissance Manuscripts 19-21 , n. 6
Visto por: Shaffer (1985-07-10 ad quem), Inspección personal
Note Facsm. digital parcial: ff. 3v-4r, 18v, 30v-31r, 36r.

Faulhaber: anotaciones en manos cursivas del s. XV: ff. 5r-v, 6v, 8r-v, 9r-v, 10r-v, 25v, 30r-32v, 46r, 60v, 64v, 65v, 71v.

Ofrecido por Kraus cat. 117 en $7500.

Descr. Kraus cat/ 117:

pág. 19: “Manuscript on heavy vellum, written in a fine, regular Gothic book hand, 26 lines, 92 leaves (of 93); a leaf gone at the end. With a large ornamental initial in mudejar style at the beginning of each Book (four in all); numerous initials in red and blue, with penwork tracery into the margins; headings in red; line-endings in red and blue. XVIIIth century Spanish mottled calf, gilt back. From the libraries of Fredrick North, Earl of Guilford (1766-1827), and Sir Thomas Phillips (ms. no. 6736). 4to (252 × 185 mm.).”

pág. 20: “This codex is important as an early example of the Hispano-Moresque style of decoration known as mudejar --- a style associated with the close intellectual contacts between Spaniard and Arab which developed at the court of Alfonso X, the author of this work. (1) [note: (1) F. Spaulding, Mudejar Ornaments in Mss., (1953), pp. 5, 7.] The decoration of the four large initials of this manuscript closely resemble [!] the corresponding decorative letters of El libro de los Juegos made for Alfonso X (Escorial ms. T.I.6; the two codices also display very similar line-endings and script.). The Libro de los Juegos was written at Seville in 1283, and we may assume that the present codex was created about the same time. (2) [note: (2) Spaulding, op. cit., pp. 13-14.]

The mudejar style flourished in Spain from the XIIIth to the XVth centuries, and while the elaborate inner tracery of letters which it employed is seldom found outside of Spain, at least in so developed a form, the marginal penwork attached to initials, found in French and other manuscripts, clearly derives from it.

The manuscript collates 12+1, 2-78 84, 910,10-128, 133 = 92 leaves (of 93; a leaf gone at the end). The three leaves of sig. 1 consist of a bifolium, of which the first leaf, otherwise blank, bears some erased and illegible writing on its recto; the second leaf and the single added leaf bear on their four pages he chapter heads of the four Books of the work.

The codex is generally fine and sound, though there is some thumbing and minor discoloration. Marginalia are found on a few pages, in a not unattractive note-script of slightly later date.”
Subject Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados
Internet Free Library visto 2023-02-25

Internal Description
Number of texts in volume: 1
Specific witness ID no. 1 BETA cnum 3676
Location in volume ff. 1r-92v (Faulhaber)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1006
Alfonso X, rey de Castilla y León, Corona de. Fuero real (1-4.24.2) (Martínez Díez)
Language castellano
Date Promulgado 1255-07-18
Title(s) in witness el libꝛo de los fueros q̃ dio el Reý don alffõsso ala noble çibdat | de burgos, 3r (Faulhaber)
Incipits & explicits in MS rúbrica: [ 1r] Estos son los titulos del libro primero
índice: [ 1r] Titulo de la sancta trinidat. & de la fe catholica … [ 3v] … xxiiij Titulo de los romeros | xxv. Titulo del pecio de los nauios
rúbrica: [ 4r] Este es el libꝛo de los fueros q̃ dio el Reý don alffõsso ala noble çibdat | de burgos q̃ es cabeça de casti [!]
invocación: [ 4r] E7NEL:NOMBRE: | DE:DIOS:AMEN
prólogo: [ 4r] P5oꝛ: que los coꝛaçones delos | om̃s son departidos; poꝛent | natural cosa es;que los en|tendimiýentos ⁊ las obꝛas non acu|erden en uno … [ 4v] … diemos les este fuero que es escripto en | este libro;por que se iudguen comunal myentre uarones & | mugieres.& mandamos que este fuero sea guardado pora si|empre.& ninguno non sea osado de uenir contra ello
encabezamiento: [ 4v] Titulo | dela sancta trinidat & de fe [!] catholica
texto: [ 4v] T3odo xp̃iano firme myentre crea & tenga;que uno so|lo es uerdadero dios.padre & fijo & spiritu sancto … [ 92v] … qui | contra esto fiziere quier en la uida del romero. quier depues en | la muerte quanto tomare entreguelo aaquel aqui lo mando …
Condition incompl. al final
References (most recent first) Edición electrónica en: Gago Jover et al. (2013), Spanish Legal Texts , n. BUR
Incipits / explicits de: Faulhaber (2009), Inspección personal
Edición electrónica en: Corfis (1988-02-15), machine-readable text CNUM 3676: Alfonso X. Fuero real. Philadelphia: Free Library. Rare Books Lewis E-245
Note Codex F (Martínez Díez): “Este manuscrito presenta un buen texto del Fuero Real, con algunas glosas.”

Versión otorgada a la ciudad de Burgos
Subject Burgos
Internet - Textos electrónicos
Internet HSMS visto 2013-10-23
Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2024-04-05