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ID no. of Reference BETA bibid 2410
Format libro. referencia. impreso
Author Christopher C. Lund
Mary Ellis Kahler
Title The Portuguese Manuscripts Collection of the Library of Congress. A Guide
Associated persons Mary Ellis Kahler (editor literario)
Place / Publisher Washington: Library of Congress
Date / Location 1980:
Source of Data for Works texid 3532 Lope García de Salazar, señor de Torre de Salazar, Crónica de Vizcaya, escrito 1454-02
Source of Data for MSS, Editions, or Copies manid 3825 MS: Washington: Congress (LC) (Manuscripts: Peter Force), Series X container 2 CORONICA DE LOS R.s DE PORTUG[AL] MS. VOLUME. 1567 a quo. Duarte Galvão, Breve sumario del linaje y crónicas de los reyes de Portugal, traducido 1539-03 a quo.
Record Status Created 1991-02-19
Updated 2011-05-18