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ID no. of MS BETA manid 2031
City and Library Providence Annmary Brown Memorial Library
Imprint Barcelona: Johannes Rosenbach, 1497-11-05

External description
Leaf Analysis ff.: 114
References (most recent first) Simón Díaz (1965), Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica. III.2 376 , n. 5936
Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections , n. A-906
Hawkins et al. (1910), Catalogue of books mostly from the presses of the first printers showing the progress of printing with movable metal types through the second half of the fifteenth century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard and deposited in the Annmary Brown memorial at Providence, Rhode Island. , n. 518
Haebler (1903-17), Bibliografía ibérica del siglo XV. Enumeración de todos los libros impresos en España y Portugal hasta el año de 1500 , n. 467

Internal Description
Number of texts in volume: 1
Specific witness ID no. 1 BETA cnum 1518
Location in volume ff. a1r-q8r (Vindel)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 11214
Antonio de Nebrija. [Introducciones latinas: con comentario]
Language latín
Date Publicado 1495
Title(s) in witness Grãmatica Nebꝛissen=|sis cum Comento., portada (Faulhaber 2017)
Incipits & explicits in MS encabezamiento: [ a1v] Ad artem suam auctoꝛ
poema dedicatorio: [ a1v] O mihi per multos caste nutrita laboꝛes. | Ars mea: quã genui:tempus in omne vale. … Quod si tu nobis foelicia tempoꝛa donas: | Et meus illustrat secula vestra parens.
encabezamiento: [ 2r] Pꝛologus.
salutación: [ 2r] Aelius.Antonius nebꝛissensis Jsabelae pꝛincipi sue.S.D.
prólogo: [ 2r] Cum introductiones meas preclarissimo tuo nomine recognitas
colofón: [ q8r] Jmpꝛessum et finitũ est hoc opus bꝛissensis [!] per magi|strũ Joannẽ Rosembach alemanũ Jn pꝛincipalissima | Ciuitate Barchinone.Anno dominice incarnationis | Millesimo.cccclxxxxvij.Die vero.v.mẽsis Nouẽbꝛis.
References (most recent first) Incipits / explicits de: Faulhaber (2017), Inspección personal
Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 1990-04-24