Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 1153
City and Library Oxford The Bodleian Library
Collection: Call number Auct. Q. 4. 7 | alt. Bod-inc. C-500 | alt. C-500(1)
Printed Sevilla: Meinhard Ungut, Stanislaw Polak, 1496-05-16 (IBE)

External description

Size hoja: 270 × 190 mm (Bodley Cat.) encuad.: 278 × 205 mm (Bodley Cat.)
Binding becerrillo, arreglado el lomo, s. XVIII (Bodley Cat.)
History of volume Comprado 1843 (price: 0/3/0 £ (libra esterlina)) (Bodley Cat.)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ic01007000
Catalogado en: Sheppard (1954-71), Catalogue of XVth century books in the Bodleian Library [Unpublished MS]
Catalogado en: Ruppel et al. (1970), Stanislaus Polonus. Polski drukarz i wydawca wczesnej doby w Hiszpanii (Stanislaus Polonus, ein polnischer Frühdrucker in Spanien) 122 , n. 47
Catalogado en: Bodleian Library (2011 ad quem), SOLO: Search Oxford Libraries Online [OPAC] , n. Bod-inc. C-500
Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2024-08-05