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ID no. of Reference BETA bibid 7853
Format base de datos. edición. hoja de web
Author Fernando del Pulgar
Title Glosa a las Coplas de Mingo Revulgo
Place / Publisher : Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
Date / Location 2013 ad quem:
References (most recent first) citado por: Weiss (2013), “Vernacular Commentaries and Glosses in Late Medieval Castile, I: A checklist of Castilian Authors”, Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook 205 , n. A3
Note No se indica la base del texto
Subject Internet - Textos electrónicos
Internet Bibl. Virtual Miguel de Cervantes visto 2019-01-10
Source of Data for Works texid 1716 Fernando de Pulgar, Glosa a las Coplas de Mingo Revulgo, escrito 1470 a quo - 1485 ca. ad quem
Record Status Created 2019-01-10
Updated 2019-01-12