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ID no. of Library BETA libid 748
City and Name Hamburg: Günther, Jörn
Former Name Günther, Jörn
Address Baron-Voght-Strasse, 27
Postfach 52 04 55
Hamburg D-22609
Telephone 82 25 10 (Principal)
Subject Deutschland (nación)Alemania
Holdings of primary sources: MSS and printed editions (in call number order) manid 2953 olim Kraus cat. 112 n. 20 XIV 7 Ludwig XIV 7 MS: Aragó: Luis Díaz Daux, señor de Sisamón, 1505. Joan II, rei d'Aragó… Actos de corte y ordenaciones, promulgado 1436 - 1467.
Record Status Created 1999-08-23
Updated 2024-09-04