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ID no. of Person BETA bioid 6304
Name Luigi Cassano Serra, duca
Sex hombre
Title duca
Milestones nac. 1747-10-30 (ex-libris)
muerte 1825-10-21 (ex-libris)
Affiliation bibliófilo (Edwards)
Owner of copid 3104 Ed.: Manchester: John Rylands, JRULM 18508 (1495-05-06). Manuel Dies, barón de Andilla, Libro de albeitería (tr. Martín Martínez de Ampiés), traducido 1495-05-06 ad quem .
References (most recent first) Edwards (1859), Memoirs of Libraries: Including a Handbook of Library Economy II:150
Dibdin (1814-23), Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century and of many Valuable Additions in the Library of George John Earl Spencer , K.G., &c. &c. &c. VII
Note Edwards; Vendió su biblioteca a Lord Spencer en 1820
Internet Ex Libris / Bookplates visto 2011-10-14
Record Status Created 2011-10-14
Updated 2021-07-18