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ID no. of Reference BETA bibid 6198
Format base de datos. referencia. hoja de web
Title Libraries & the Cultural Record. .BookPlate Archive
Date / Location 2006-:
Internet Libraries & Culture visto 2014-01-11
Source of Data for MSS, Editions, or Copies manid 2727 MS: Chicago: University (Regenstein) (Special Collections Research Center: Berlin), MS 63. 1476 ca. - 1500 ca. Matfre de Ermengaud, Breviario de amor (tr. Desconocido), traducido 1385-06-07 a quo - 1400 ca. ad quem.
Source of Data for Persons bioid 6064 G. Heinrich Simon (floruit Berlin 1891 ad quem)
Source of Data for Institutions insid 5268 Berlin: S. Calvary & Co.
Record Status Created 2014-01-11