Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 3428
City and Library Lugar desconocido Desconocida
Collection: Call number olim Kraus cat. 64 n. 146; cat. 78 n. 586
Printed Sevilla: Andrea Pescioni (BNE Cat.), 1582

External description

Binding becerillo moteado (“mottled calf”) / pasta, tejuelo rojo (Kraus cat. 64 n. 146)
Previous owners (oldest first) Carlos IV, rey de España [1788-12-14 - 1808-03-20] (Kraus cat. 64 n. 146)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: H.P. Kraus (1956), Catalogue 78. The Renaissance: Intellectual, Artistic, Political, Religious, and Social Trends as Reflected in Printed Books & Pamphlets from the 15th to the 17th century 65 , n. 586
Catalogado en: H.P. Kraus (1953 ca.), Catalogue 64. Source materials for the study of European history and culture from the Prince Liechtenstein Library : Military science and costume 44-46 , n. 146
Note Ofrecido por Kraus en sus catálogos 64 y 78 en $165.

Descr. Kraus cat. 64: “Title page strengthened. Sm.folio. Spanish mottled calf with red label on back, g.e. From a library of Charles IV of Spain, with his gilt-stamped crown initials on back of binding”

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Record Status Created 2014-01-18
Updated 2019-07-05