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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 1875
City and Library Glasgow University of Glasgow
Collection: Call number Hunterian: Sp Coll Hunterian By.3.1
Printed Valladolid: Juan de Burgos, 1500-09-30 (IBE)

External description

Size hoja: 204 × 142 mm (Glasgow BU) encuad.: 213 × 148 mm (Glasgow BU)
Watermark ancla dentro de círculo encima de las letras “A M” (guardas) (Glasgow BU)
Condition imperf.: falto de la h. A8 (en blanco); h. a1 y a2 arregladas, afectando algunas letras; túneles de bibliófagos a8-c1 afectando algunas letras (BU Glasgow)
Binding perg., con hierros dorados en el lomo; guardas decoradas; cortes rojos; marcalibros de seda verde (BU Glasgow)
Previous owners (oldest first) Juan de la Viega (floruit 1601 ca. - 1800 ca.) (Glasgow BU)
Antoine Benjamin Morin d'Hérouville (floruit Napoli 1766 - 1771) 1780-03-09 ad quem (BU Glasgow)
William Hunter, médico (1783) 1780-03-09 - 1783 (price: 0/7/6 £ (libra esterlina)) (Glsgow BU)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ISTC id00168300
Catalogado en: Vindel (1945-51), El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV VI:257 , n. 23
Catalogado en: U. of Glasgow Library (2012 ad quem), Eleanor [OPAC] , n. Sp Coll Hunterian By.3.1
Note Glasgow BU:

Juan de la Viega (17th/18th century): “a Juan de la Vjega” written twice on title-page.
Antoine Benjamin Morin d'Hérouville, Danish Consul General at Naples from 1766 to 1771: lot 1549 at the Morin d'Hérouville sale, London, Leigh & Sotheby, 9 Mar. 1780.
William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist: purchased at the Morin d'Hérouville sale for £0.7.6 according to the BL annotated copy of the sale catalogue (shelfmark S.C.S. 13(3)). University of Glasgow: Hunterian bequest, 1807, with Hunterian Museum bookplate and booklabel on front pastedown with earlier shelfmark "W.6.17".

Binding: Spain, 18th-century vellum, "Diaz de Albey" and date "1499" gold-tooled on spine and washed with colour in imitation of leather labels; decorated (paste-paper) pastedowns; red-edged leaves; green silk bookmark. Flyleaves have watermark of an anchor within a circle, below which are the letters A M. Size: 213 x 148 mm.
Leaf size: 204 x 142 mm.

Ms. annotations: some marginal scribbles (17th/18th century) in Spanish.

Imperfections: wanting the final blank A8; leaves a1 (title-page) and a2 damaged and repaired, with some loss of letters; worming in leaves a8-c1 with some loss of letters.
Internet U. of Glasgow visto 2014-03-03
Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2024-08-05