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ID no. of MS BETA manid 1797
City and Library London The British Library
Collection: Call number IA.52821
Imprint Salamanca: Juan de Porras, 1495-03-10

External description
Writing surface papel
Format 4o
Leaf Analysis ff.: 174
Collation C10 a-t8 u12
Size hoja: 213 × 145 mm (BL Cat.)
Binding perg. (BL Cat.)
History of volume Adquirido 1880-07 (BL Cat.)
Previous owners (oldest first) San Francisco de México 1575 (BL Cat.)
Associated persons Firma en la portada de Miguel Navarro (lugar relacionado: México 1575) (BL Cat.)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (2000-), Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] , n. 02147
Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: London. British Museum (1908-2007), Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVTH Century Now in the British Museum X:50
Catalogado en: Vindel (1945-51), El arte tipográfico en España durante el siglo XV II:70 , n. 45
Catalogado en: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke [GW] (1925-) , n. 2147
Catalogado en: Haebler (1903-17), Bibliografía ibérica del siglo XV. Enumeración de todos los libros impresos en España y Portugal hasta el año de 1500 , n. 24
Catalogado en: Copinger (1895-1902), Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum , n. 503
Subject Incunables

Internal Description
Number of texts in volume: 1
Specific witness ID no. 1 BETA cnum 1117
Location in volume ff. 11r-
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1517
Antoninus di Pierozzi, arzobispo de Firenze. Suma de confesión “Primeramente el confesor”
Language castellano
Date Traducido 1492-04-07 ad quem
Title(s) in witness Vn tractado mucho prouechoso y de grand doctrina
Tractado … que es llamado defecerunt
Incipits & explicits in MS rúbrica: [ 1r] A gloria y a loor de dios aqui comiença vn tractado mucho prouechoso
rúbrica: [ 11r] Aqui comiença vna breue informacion como se deue auer el confessor
Note El texto de Antonino, ptes. 1-3, está en latín, ff. 143-74 (BL Cat.). El texto en castellano es el mismo que Sevilla: Ungut & Polono, 1492-04-07 (manid 1796), y Zaragoza: Pablo Hurus, 1497-04-28 (manid 2374)
Number of additional copies of edition 11
ID no. of additional copy of edition 1 BETA copid 1337
City and Library Barcelona Biblioteca Universitària - CRAI Biblioteca Fons Antic
Collection: Call number 535
External description
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: García Craviotto (1989-90), Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas [IBE] I:66 , n. 421
Catalogado en: Universidad de Barcelona (1945), Incunables de la Biblioteca Universitaria , n. 535

ID no. of additional copy of edition 2 BETA copid 1338
City and Library Cambridge Harvard University (Houghton)
Collection: Call number Inc 9565 (32.4)
External description
Binding piel con hierros en seco, cortes jaspeados de rojo; restaurado el lomo (2020-05-12)
Previous owners (oldest first) Fernando Palha (HOLLIS)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Harvard University (2002 ad quem), HOLLIS: Harvard OnLine Library Information System , n. Inc 9565 (32.4)
Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838
Internet HOLLIS visto 2020-05-12

ID no. of additional copy of edition 3 BETA copid 8922
City and Library Cambridge Cambridge University Library (ISTC)
Collection: Call number Inc.5.H.7.2[4442]
External description
Binding perg. flexible con correíllas (Cambridge)
History of volume Comprado a Davis & Orioli 1961-04-16 (Cambridge)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838
Catalogado en: University of Cambridge (2010-), iDiscover [OPAC] , n. Inc.5.H.7.2[4442]
Internet Cambridge visto 2020-05-12

ID no. of additional copy of edition 4 BETA copid 1339
City and Library Évora Biblioteca Pública de Évora
Collection: Call number Inc. 112
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Convento de Nossa Senhora da Consolação do Bosque de Borba (Cid 1988 Possuidores)
Fernando Vaz Cepa (Cid 1988 Possuidores)
References (most recent first) Avenoza Vera (2006-07-28), Carta
Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: Cid (1988), Incunábulos da Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Distrital de Évora: catálogo abreviado 14 , n. 56
Catalogado en: Cid (1988), Incunábulos e seus possuidores: análise da colecçõo de incunábulos da Biblioteca de Évora 41, 62

ID no. of additional copy of edition 5 BETA copid 1340
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Collection: Call number INC. 496 | olim 416
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Gregório de Valença (Fr.)
Fernão Mimoso
Associated persons Al uso de Baltasar de Ascenção (Fr.)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Mendes (1995), Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas [IBPORT] 52 , n. 105
Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Visto por: Sainz Rodríguez (1983-05-01 a quo - 1989-03-21 ad quem), Inspección personal

ID no. of additional copy of edition 6 BETA copid 2146
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Collection: Call number INC. 497 | olim 417
External description
Associated persons Al uso de Gregório de Valença (Fr.)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Mendes (1995), Os incunábulos das bibliotecas portuguesas [IBPORT] 52 , n. 106
Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: Sainz Rodríguez (1983-05-01 a quo - 1989-03-21 ad quem), Inspección personal

ID no. of additional copy of edition 7 BETA copid 9117
City and Library Lugar desconocido Desconocida
Collection: Call number olim Maggs cat. 656 n. 389
External description
Binding perg. antigua (Maggs)
Previous owners (oldest first) Maggs Bros. cat. 656 n. 389 1938
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: Maggs Bros. (1938), Catalogue No. 656. Bibliotheca incunabulorum 236 , n. 389
Note Ofrecido por Maggs 1938 en £200

¿Equiparable con alguno de los ejemplares conocidos?

ID no. of additional copy of edition 8 BETA copid 1341
City and Library New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library
Collection: Call number [copy 1]
External description
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: Penney (1965), Printed Books 1468-1700 in The Hispanic Society of America 28
Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838

ID no. of additional copy of edition 9 BETA copid 2145
City and Library New York The Hispanic Society Museum, and Library
Collection: Call number [copy 2]
External description
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: Penney (1965), Printed Books 1468-1700 in The Hispanic Society of America 28
Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838

ID no. of additional copy of edition 10 BETA copid 1342
City and Library San Juan Casa del Libro
External description
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: Goff (1964), Incunabula in American Libraries. A Third Census of Fifteenth-century Books Recorded in North American Collections 44 , n. A-838

ID no. of additional copy of edition 11 BETA copid 2768
City and Library Sant Cugat del Vallès Biblioteca Borja (Provincial de la Provincia de Cataluña de la Compañía de Jesús)
External description
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (1980-), Incunable Short Title Catalog [ISTC] , n. ia00838000
Catalogado en: García Craviotto (1989-90), Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas [IBE] I:66 , n. 421

Record Status Created 1985-07-10
Updated 2020-04-08