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ID no. of Reference BETA bibid 7902
Format artículo de libro. referencia. manuscrito
Author Richard Hitchcock
Title Gallardo and Gayangos: Reflections on Matters Unresolved
Source Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook
Source associated persons Barry Taylor (editor literario)
Geoffrey West (editor literario)
Jane Whetnall (editor literario)
Series Spanish series, 155
Place / Publisher New York: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
Date / Location 2013: páginas 415-32
ISBN/ISSN ISBN: 1569541515
Note Sobre la fama de Pascual de Gayangos y Bartolomé José Gallardo como bibliopiratas, fama que a Hitchcock le parece en los dos casos exagerada
Internet OskiCat visto 2016-05-04
Held by Berkeley: U. of California (MAIN) PQ6059 .T498 2013 (OskiCat)
Source of Data for Persons bioid 2483 Bartolomé José Gallardo, bibliófilo (1852)
bioid 2243 Pascual de Gayangos y Arce, bibliófilo (1809-06-21 - 1897-10-04 ad quem)
bioid 6692 Thomas Rodd the elder, librero London
bioid 4637 Thomas Rodd the younger, librero London (1821 - 1849-04-23 ad quem)
Record Status Created 2019-03-07
Updated 2019-03-07